Chapter 7

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Bella walked behind Norie into the cafeteria. She held her head down as they walked through the doors. Norie walked confidently ignoring all the stares. They reached a table with three other people.

"Hey y'all!" Norie greeted excitedly. "Hey girl!" A beautiful asian girl said, matching her energy. "I'm sure y'all heard of Bella." Norie said "I rescued her from Jessica last period." The asian girl nodded. "I feel bad for you sis, that bitch is a nightmare."

"Oh, shit sorry," She said "I'm Angela" Angela looked to the boys who had air pods in and hit both of them. "Yo, introduce yourselves." Bella looked at them seeing that they were almost identical.

"I'm Tyler, this is Amir." Tyler said before turning to Angela. "Happy?" Angela nodded. Bella could only tell them apart by the fact that Tyler had a slit through his right eyebrow. Bella nodded at them.

"Anyways, I texted Adrian to pick up some food for you too Bella." Norie said "Are you vegan or allergic to anything?" Bella shook her head. "No, I have a personal hate for vegans." Angela looked surprised. "Shit, for real?" Bella nodded.

"You gotta spill the tea later." Norie said. Suddenly a light toned boy placed two bags on the table. "I got food for y'all big backs. Be grateful." He said. The food immediately caught the attention of the twins, who hadn't been paying attention at all.

"Bella this is Adrian, my man and our personal errand boy." Angela said kissing his cheek. "Hi." She simply said. "What's good. I got you chicken, mac n cheese, and some collard greens cause I don't really know you like that." He said.

"That fine." She replied, "Is the food here nasty or something?" Norie shook her head. "Nah, Adrian's mom owns the diner downtown, so we get guarantied good food for lunch everyday." Amir finally spoke, "Your last names Swan right? As in Crystal and Charlie Swan." 

Bella nodded. "I guess, I don't really know Crystal all that well though." He nodded. "She owns a cosmetology salon downtown. I go to her all that time to get my hair and nails done." Norie says. "I think she's cool. She's taking me shopping after school today." Bella said.

"Girl, you are living my dream." Angela said and Norie agreed. "She's literally my roll model." Bella starting chuckling with her mouth full. Suddenly they heard the cafeteria door slam. A group of teens walked in dramatically. 

"Ew, what are they doing?" Norie asked rhetorically. "Um... who are they exactly?" Bella asked curiously. Angela sighed, "The Cullens. They're all adopted, which is weird considering they have the same eyes, and they're weird and annoying as hell."

"Rosalie is mad as hell for no reason all the time and thinks everyone wants her man, who is Emmett a literal dumbass. Then there's Alice and she is annoying as hell with her man Jasper. He's kinds quiet and I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to be anywhere near his family at all. And lastly Edward. He thinks he's this mysterious hot boy but in reality he's weird as hell and gives stalker vibes. Their dad is a doctor and their mom is rarely seen." Norie summarizes.

Bella makes a kind of disgusted face when Edward looks in her direction. "He looks like a sensitive boy who loves him mom a little too much." She says. The whole table busts out laughing. She starts to laugh too.

"Oh my lord!" Amir wheezes. "Why is that so accurate?!" Tyler says still laughing. "That was so outta pocket." Adrian says. After a while they finally calmed down. "Can we keep her?" Tyler jokes. Bella liked this group.


I had so much fun writing this chapter, its not funny. I hope yall like the chapter. Never be afraid to comment, i'd love to hear more from you guys. I'm off to write the next chapter.

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