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ally pov:

i was in second period, doing my work while occasionally looking up at billie.

she gave me a ride to school this morning but it was quiet, she looked exhausted.

i needed to find gabby and figure out what she was doing with my kid and what that meant for me.

i didn't know her schedule so i was just gonna have to walk around and look for her.

we didn't have any classes together, only study hall which was at the very end of the day.

i could feel eyes burning into the side of my head so i looked in the direction i could feel it from, seeing sierra looking at me already.

she looked away quickly, turning her attention back to her work.

she did that a lot, which was weird to me, but she would never say anything, just stare.

i suddenly saw blonde hair pass through the classrooms doors window, knowing exactly who it was.

i rushed up to billie's desk, asking to go to the bathroom.

"for what?" she asked.
"the bathroom? please?" i asked.

she nodded, making me go to the door and swing it open.

gabby was walking down the hall, making me jog towards her.

"gabby." i said.
"what do you want?" she asked.

she continued walking, her attention on her phone, making me snatch it from her and put it in my pocket.

"hey!" she said.
"what are you doing?!" i asked.
"going to class!" she snapped.
"no! with the baby!" i replied.

she scoffed at me, not knowing the answer.

"i'm keeping it." she said.
"so what am i supposed to do?!" i asked.
"help me?!" she said

i scoffed, running my hands through my

"you lied to me." i said
"about what?" she scoffed.
"being on the pill! you told me you were and now we're here." i said.
"well im sorry you have a weak pull out game!" she said.

i clenched my fists in anger, wanting to slap her, but knowing better and instead controlling my breath.

"im not helping you gabby. if you try to get me to help you, i'll go tell your lie and you'll be in a lot more trouble." i said.

she scoffed at me, snatching her phone back from my hand and walking away towards the direction of her class after mumbling a 'fuck you'.

i maintained my composure and walked back into my classroom, seeing billie look over at me.

tomorrow was friday and that meant me and billie left in the morning.

i finished all my finals and billie had no classes so we were able to leave early instead of waiting till saturday.
billie was finishing up some grading while i sat on the couch in her classroom, watching her.

she had her laptop open in front of her, typing things in occasionally while looking down at some papers.

i liked watching her like this, just seeing the way her nose twitches and how every 2 minutes she lets out a deep breath and rubs her forehead.

she looked so effortlessly pretty at times and it made me think about how lucky i am to have a girl like her in my life.

billie started packing her stuff up, stuffing papers into her bag and putting her mac under her arm.

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