oh my?!
ally pov:i was in first period, nearly falling asleep from staying up too late last night.
billie didn't text me this morning which was weird, but i had her next period so i was hoping she wasn't mad at me.
nobody was even doing any work, just talking too much, too loud, at 8 am.
the teacher came to my desk, handing me back a test from the previous week.
"good work ally." she said.
i thanked her, looking at my perfect score and simply shoving the test in my backpack.
this girl came up to me, sitting down in the desk beside me.
"hi." she said.
"hi." i replied.i'd never seen her before, she had braids, glasses, and was wearing a crop top and baggy jeans.
"i'm new here. was wondering where ms. o'connells class was?" she asked.
"i have her next period. i can walk you there." i replied.
"thanks. i'm sierra." she spoke.
"i'm ally."she nodded, turning her attention elsewhere while we sat in awkward silence.
"where did you used to go?" i asked.
"i moved from arizona. my mom got some big promotion." she explained.i nodded my head, wanting to know her more.
"is your dad around?" i asked.
"no. he left when i was just a kid." she said.i nodded again, turning in my seat to face her.
"so it's just you and your mom?" i asked.
"and my dog. his names max." she spoke.
"i have a dog...well a puppy. she's only a few months old. her names stormy." i explained.
"what kind of dog?" she asked.
"a pitbull" i said.
"max is a german shepherd."she showed me her lockscreen, a picture of max sitting on what i assumed to be her bed.
"he's cute." i said.
she thanked me and i kept the conversation going, bored of this class.
"where do you live?" i asked.
"just down the road, a couple blocks." sierra said.
"oh nice." i replied.the bell was about to ring in a couple minutes so i started packing up my things, sierra following along with me.
shortly after the bell rang and i began walking to my second period, sierra walking beside me.
i noticed her whole outfit, taking a look at her shoes.
"i have a pair of those too. they're sick." i said.
"thanks" she replied.i opened the door to billie's classroom, letting sierra walk in before me, closing the door behind me after.
i went up to talk to billie, being cut off by sierra.
"where do you sit?" she asked.
"in the back." i said.i turned my attention to billie, and boy did she look mad.
"who's that?" she asked.
"i don't know. she's new. i was showing her where class was." i explained.billie hummed at me, not taking her eyes away from her computer.
"why didn't you text me this morning?" i asked.
"you could've texted me. phone works both ways yknow." she said.i was taken aback by her response, brushing it off.

extra credit| billie eilish
Hayran Kurgually is charismatic, smart, and strives to be a professional basketball player. billie is kind and passionate about her work as a teacher. ally falls in love, and she falls hard, almost as hard as her own teacher does. billie is not famous in this...