Additional Details: Spawn Location

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And with that, The Main Parts of Character Creation is Complete!

Name: Dante De Leon
Occupation: Matador
Age: 26 (Young Adult)
Social Status: Middle Class
Nationality: Spanish (Castilian)
Family Status: Alive and Well (Presumably Elderly)
Work Status: On Hiatus/Break due to personal reasons.
Last Known Whereabouts: Unknown (On Vacation to Japan but didn't tell his Parents).
Siblings: None (Only Child)

Stuff like the above and more will be detailed in the Character Sheet Section when we finally get this started. For now, lets round out with some additional but optional fine tuning:

Starting Location:
Every Outsider has a Starting Location when Entering Gensokyo. However, there are currently 2 reliable ways for Outsiders to find their way into Gensokyo:
-Nearby Hakurei Shrine
-Muenzuka/Road of Reconsideration (Recommended due to Origin Choices)

Nearby the Shrine is Safer and will set you up to meet with Reimu Hakurei or any Visitor to guide you back to the Village effective immediately. The other is Riskier, but will give your character a taste of the danger that awaits them ahead of time, and even give them a lay of the land where they otherwise would be discouraged from doing so. You may also get a variety of bonuses and perks for roaming Muenzuka/The Road of Reconsideration more than you need to at the Start of your Journey.

Warning: Because you chose the Kidnapped Backstory, Dante will be defaulted in Muenzuka/Road of Reconsideration in a situation of a Tiebreaker.

Please make your choice now, otherwise if you want the Best Possible Experience for Dante, i recommend Muenzuka for the Best Possible Rewards Starting Off (You may acquire some Loot Unique to Dante or even find a fellow Human in Muenzuka!)

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