Final Results

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Character: Playable Human Outsider of Spanish Descent.
Timeline: Entered Gensokyo around the events of the Beast Spirit Saga (At least before Touhou 17)
Specialization: Matador, presumably Catholic.
Origin: A Local Bullfighter goes on Hiatus and tries to go on Vacation to Japan, shit hits the fan faster than he could blink an eye.
Age: Young Adult (At Least 24)
Spawn Location: Muenzuka (Good Fucking Luck)
Name: Dante De Leon/Dante of Leon.

These are the Primary Highlights of the Character Creation. It must be reitereated that the Character Sheet will be available in the actual story before the story itself is told. This way if your confused on some specific traits Dante has available to him, or the progress of his stats (using the model inspired by Gensou Chronicles Survival Video) you can always visit the initial character sheet for reference. That being said, ill make it so that you can check the character sheet after the end of each day that passes with updates to correlate with Dante's Progress.

I must thank you for deciding the new protagonist of this new story. Ill do my best to give you guys input on what Dante does during crucial moments, as he is ultimately YOUR characther.

See you in the Story!

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