Chapter 5

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As we entered the villa, everything was exactly as it had been ten years ago. The couch, the tables-everything was in the same place. Memories began to flash through my mind.

Ten years ago, while we were playing the game: truth and dare in the living room, Harshad summoned me to the backyard. He took my hands and confessed his feelings for me. I saw him only as a friend. Before I could say anything, Manik arrived in the backyard. He thought I was cheating on him.

He insulted Harshad and punched him in the face. The two fought like cats and dogs. Our friends, hearing the commotion, rushed to the backyard to intervene. Despite our efforts, the fight continued until we had to call Manik's mother, who eventually broke it up.

It left a lasting impact. Manik and Harshad became enemies, filled with animosity for one another. Harshad threatened to kill Manik, while Manik told Harshad that if he did not leave the villa immediately, he would call the cops.

It was two a.m. How could Harshad have left at this hour? I was concerned about him as a friend. I implored Manik to let Harshad stay until the morning. Manik, still consumed by anger and misunderstanding, accused me of being with Harshad for his money and claimed I was cheating on him. His accusations infuriated me. How could he question my character like that? In a fit of rage, I threw the ring at him before storming back into the villa.

Our friends, upset by the argument, decided to leave immediately. We hastily packed our bags, got into our cars, and drove towards Harshad's brother's hotel in Leh. Harshad drove one car, while Navya drove the other. The road was pitch dark, with only our headlights cutting through the night.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a man ran into the middle of the road. Navya applied the brakes, but it was too late. The man was hit by her car. Shocked and panicked, we hurriedly got out of the cars to check on the man lying motionless on the road. His face was completely covered in blood. He was wailing for help. Our hearts raced with fear as we tried to comprehend what had just happened

I suggested to my friends that we rush the injured man to the hospital, but Harshad quickly objected. He was worried that if the man died, we could be blamed since we were minors driving late at night. Navya, overwhelmed with guilt and fear, started crying uncontrollably.

We sat in the cars, paralyzed by shock. With heavy hearts and tears in our eyes, we drove away, leaving the man to die.

"Back to Earth, Nandani," Cabir said, snapping his fingers to bring me out of my reverie.

"Yes, tell me" I replied, my voice breaking slightly as I brushed away my tears.

Navya inquired, "Which room will you stay in?"

I took a deep, steady breath, striving to calm myself. "I will stay in Manik's room," I replied quietly.

Manik's room was upstairs, right next to his younger sister Daina's room, where Aryaman would stay. I was annoyed that Aryaman, the troublemaker, would be so close, but I breathed a sigh of relief when I realized Navya and Cabir would be staying in Manik's parents' room on the same floor. Mukti and Abhimanyu moved into one of the downstairs guest rooms, while Harshad and Dhruv occupied the other one.

We gathered in the living room after freshening up.

"Guys, I am starving," Mukti whined.

"So am I," I chimed in with a grin.

"We should ask that old man to cook something for us," Harshad said casually, puffing on his cigarette.

"Harshad, he is not your personal chef. Show some respect," I retorted sharply, my frustration bubbling up.

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