Chapter 9

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By eight o'clock, we were all deeply engaged in a discussion about Manik and his family.

"Guys, why don't we call the cops and report that the entire Malhotra family has gone missing?" I suggested.

"Nandani, the police are going to ask us where we've been for ten years and why we didn't file a report immediately after they disappeared," Dhruv countered.

"We're not even sure they're missing," Harshad interjected. "There's a possibility they left India."

"Okay, let's assume Harshad is right and they did leave the country. The question remains: why didn't they inform the caretaker?" I asked, puzzled.

"Guys, we should talk to the caretaker about this," Abhimanyu proposed thoughtfully.

"Abhimanyu, he already told us that the entire Malhotra family disappeared ten years ago. What's the point of asking him again?" Harshad said.

"What's your problem, Harshad? Can't you keep quiet for once?" I snapped.

"Nandani, baby, why do you always misunderstand me?" Harshad retorted, reaching out to hold my hands.

I pushed it away and glared at him, "Do not touch me or call me by those names again. I'll break your bones."

"Nandu, please, calm down," Dhruv interjected.

"I'm coming with you to talk to the caretaker," Navya said, her tone supportive.

"I'll join you both as well," Cabir added.

"Please ask him to make dinner for us. I'm starving," Aryaman chimed in.

"And please tell him not to make pasta and noodles again," Mukti added, laughing.

We made our way to the cottage where the old man lived. Despite our repeated knocks, there was no answer from inside.

"Why isn't he opening the door?" Navya thought.

We walked towards the window to look inside, but the darkness prevented us from seeing anything clearly.

Suddenly, a voice behind us startled me. "What do you want?"

We spun around to see the caretaker standing there, holding a lantern that cast eerie shadows on his face.

"Is he a ghost?" Navya whispered nervously into my ear.

"Sir, we need your help," I began politely. "We're trying to find the Malhotra family. Do you have any idea where they might have gone, or any contact information of their friends or close ones?"

"No," he replied curtly.

"Sir, we would be very grateful if you could help us," Navya added, trying to coax more information out of him.

"I have no idea," he repeated, his tone unchanged.

"Sir, we're quite hungry. Would you be able to cook dinner for us?" I asked politely, hoping for a positive response.

"I would love to cook," he replied, sending a shock through me to my core.

"That's very kind of you, sir. Thank you," Cabir responded gratefully, and they started to leave. But I remained standing there, stunned.

"Nandani, what's wrong? Come on, let's go," Cabir called out to me.

I hurried over to Cabir and Navya, wrapping my arms around them tightly.

"What's the matter, sweetheart? Are you alright?" Navya asked, concern evident in her voice.

"The caretaker... he's Manik," I replied, my words stumbling out.

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