Chapter 12

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"What does Johnny remember?" Dhruv inquired, turning his attention from the caretaker to Harshad and Aryaman.

"The caretaker and the dog are insane! Why are we still here?" Aryaman snapped, enraged.

"Exactly. We can stay at my hotel. Let's get out of this hell right away," Harshad insisted.

"I am not leaving this villa until I know what happened to Manik," I said, my voice firm.

"Come on, Nandani; stop acting like a child—" Harshad began, but I interrupted him.

"I am not asking anyone to stay with me. You may leave if you wish," I replied.

"What’s the harm in staying?" Navya inquired, her voice calm and measured.

"Exactly, what's the harm?" Harshad responded with a mocking smile.

"Navya, are you blind?" Can’t you see all the strange things happening since we arrived at this villa?" Aryaman responded angrily, his frustration palpable.

"Oh no, Aryaman, there is no harm, according to Navya. Even if the villa is haunted, nothing terrible will happen to us. We will just die, that is all," Harshad remarked sarcastically, his tone ironic.

"You know what, Harshad? Arguing with you is pointless. "Guys, I am staying back with Nandani," Navya announced.

"So am I," Cabir concurred.

"We're also staying," Dhruv, Abhimanyu, and Mukti chimed in.

"I am going to find out the truth," I declared, my voice firm. "I am going to find out what happened in this villa ten years ago and how Manik and his family disappeared."

I was determined to find the truth even if it costs me my life!
We all went to a restaurant for lunch, but Harshad and Aryaman refused to join us, citing work commitments. My heart kept telling me that something had happened to Manik, and that Harshad and Aryaman were probably to blame.

"Nandani, back to Earth," Dhruv snapped his fingers, jolting me out of my reverie.

"What is bothering you?" Mukti inquired gently.

"I'm not feeling well. I feel afraid and I can't shake the feeling that something terrible has happened to Manik," I replied, my voice breaking as tears welled up in my eyes.

"What makes you believe something happened to him?" Cabir questioned.

"It has been ten years, Cabir. Ten long years, and no one has any idea where he is," I said, my voice trembling. "And lately, I have been experiencing some very strange occurrences that I can not explain."

"What kind of strange occurrences, Nandani?" Abhimanyu inquired, leaning closer, his curiosity piqued.

"At night, when no one is around, I hear whispers and see shadows. It is as if Manik is trying to reach out to me from wherever he is, and it is tearing me apart," I confessed, my voice barely audible.

I felt someone's breath on my neck again, so I turned behind swiftly, but no one was there. I had goosebumps all over my body.

I was startled when Navya called me out.

"Relax, it is me," she said while holding my hands.

"Nandani, if you are not feeling well here, should we return?" Dhruv questioned.

"No--I will not go back until I find Manik," I said adamantly.

"Nandani, how do we find him? We have no idea if he is in India or another country. Cabir said.

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