Chapter 14

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We locked the storeroom and returned to the living room.

"I'm so sleepy," Dhruv exclaimed, yawning and stretching his arms upward.

"Me too," Aryaman muttered.

Glancing at the clock, I noticed it was three a.m.

"Guys, let's call it a night. I'm exhausted too," I told, and we each headed to our own rooms to sleep.

I went to the bathroom for shower and changed into my nightdress. After tying my hair into a bun, I settled onto the bed. Switching off the lights, I tucked myself under the duvet and drifted off to sleep.

"Dhruv... Aryaman... Abhimanyu... help... help," I heard a voice cry out. Startled, I sat up on the bed. I was flabbergasted to see my blanket and pillows strewn on the floor.

"" I heard someone screaming again. It was Harshad's voice.

I picked the blanket and pillows from the floor and arranged them back on the bed. Opening the door, I descended to the living room. Navya, Cabir, and Aryaman rushed downstairs, joined by Dhruv, Abhimanyu, and Mukti emerging from their rooms.

"Who's yelling now?" Dhruv inquired.

"It's Harshad," I answered, my voice tense.

"But where is he?" Aryaman wondered aloud.

"Help... please, someone save me," we heard a faint murmur from behind the couch. We found Harshad seated on the floor, visibly shaking and in tears. Beads of sweat glistened on his forehead, and fear etched his face.

"What happened, Harshad?" Aryaman asked, gently holding his hand.

"He's running a high fever," Dhruv observed, touching Harshad's forehead.

All the boys helped Harshad to sit on the couch.

"Harshad, what's happening? Are you okay?" Mukti inquired with concern.

"They're going to kill me... they're all going to kill me," Harshad sobbed.

"Who's going to kill you?" Navya questioned.

"D... D... Diana and her family," Harshad replied, leaving us stunned.

"What are you saying?" I asked, utterly shocked.

"My sleep was disturbed by the sound of a glass jug shattering on the floor. I turned on the lights and found the jug broken with glass scattered everywhere. The wind was blowing fiercely, so I decided to close the balcony door. When I went outside, I saw a man sitting on the bench in the backyard. It frightened me, so I hurried back inside, locking the balcony door. I heard a radio playing in the living room, but as soon as I went there, it suddenly stopped. Then, I heard footsteps on the stairs behind me. I turned around quickly and saw Diana playing with her doll. She looked at me angrily and threatened to kill me," Harshad explained, tears streaming down his face as he trembled.

"Harshad, are you making this up again?" I asked, my voice filled with anger.

"No, Nandani, I swear to God, I'm not lying," Harshad replied earnestly.

"Are you intoxicated?" Dhruv questioned.

"No, I haven't even touched alcohol. Please, guys, believe me, I'm not lying, and I'm not drunk!" Harshad pleaded.

"You all stay here. I'll go check if someone's in the backyard," Dhruv declared.

"I'm coming with you, Dhruv," Cabir added.

They both headed to the backyard while the rest of us waited anxiously in the living room for their return.

I noticed Navya rubbing her temples.

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