Chapter 15

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29th June 1995,

The next morning, my sleep was interrupted by the sound of running water in the bathroom. I sat up in bed and glanced at the clock. It was only seven. I remember turning off the tap properly

I climbed out of bed and headed to the bathroom. The tap was open, and water was flowing into the basin. I closed the tap tightly and returned to my room to sleep. I had just sat down on the bed when I heard the water running in the bathroom again. Annoyed, I got up once more and walked to the bathroom. This time, I made sure the tap was completely off. I double-checked and even gave it an extra twist. Satisfied, I returned to bed, hoping to get some more sleep before the day began.

Just as I was about to drift off, the sound of water echoed through the room again.

"What the hell is going on?" I muttered, frustrated. I went to the bathroom and noticed the tap was open. I closed it again.

I had just lain down on the bed when I heard a knock at the door.

"Navya, it's only seven in the morning. Please let me sleep," I said irritably.

But she kept knocking on the door. I was too tired to get up and scold her, so I covered my ears with a pillow and tried to fall back asleep.

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"Nandani, wake up! It's two in the afternoon. How long are you going to sleep? Navya said, knocking at the door.

"Let me sleep. I'm exhausted," I responded angrily.

"Oh, you lazybones, open your eyes and look at the clock. It is 2 p.m. now. We are heading out for lunch. Get up quickly," Navya yelled.

"You all go enjoy yourselves, but don't bother me. Just bring me back some food, while coming," I requested.

"Are you sure? Should we leave you alone? Navya inquired.

"Yes, I am sure," I responded.

"Okay, then, take care; we will be back in an hour," Navya informed.

"Yeah, fine. Go safely and don't forget to bring lunch for me," I said.

"Don't worry, Ms. Foodie," Navya replied and walked away.


I woke up at four p.m. and went to the bathroom to take a shower. After scrubbing my body with soap, and shampooing my hair, I heard voices coming from the bedroom.

"Navya, are you back? Did you bring lunch for me?" I called out, but there was no reply.

"Wait, the door to my room was bolted from the inside, so how did she get in?" I wondered.

"Navya, how did you get into my room? I locked the door from the inside," I asked again, but once more, there was no reply.

I quickly finished bathing and put on my bathrobe. Opening the door, I found  the room empty. After dressing in fresh clothes, I sat in front of the mirror, drying my hair with a towel. Suddenly, I sensed someone's presence behind me. I glanced in the mirror but saw no one there.

As I finished drying my hair, I pulled it back into a ponytail. Again, I felt someone's breath on my neck. I spun around swiftly.

"Who's there?" I asked, fear creeping into my voice.

I heard something fall to the floor. Bending down, I found the locket with the initial "M" that I had gifted to Manik ten years ago.

Suddenly, I felt something pass behind me. I turned back immediately, but there was no one there. I carefully placed the locket in my bag and went downstairs to the living room.

Glancing at the clock, I saw it was five.

"When will they get here? I'm so hungry," I muttered to myself.

Johnny came bounding over, wagging his tail. He started licking me, and I patted his head.

"Where were you, baby?" I asked him lovingly.

Johnny tugged at my skirt and led me to the storeroom. I was shocked to see the storeroom door wide open.

"I closed that door last night. How is it open?" I muttered to myself.

Johnny dashed inside the storeroom and began barking loudly.

"Johnny, what's the matter?" I asked, trailing behind him, when suddenly the storeroom door slammed shut.

I attempted to open it but to no avail. I started banging on the door and shouting for help.

Johnny came with a slate in his mouth. I took the slate and saw the names: Navya, Aryaman, Dhruv, Cabir, Mukti, Abhimanyu, and Harshad written in that precise sequence.

I remember erasing the names last night.

"Guys, Nandani is nowhere to be found," I heard Navya's voice.

I hammered on the door. "Navya, Cabir, guys, I'm in here! I'm trapped in this storeroom!"

"Did anyone hear banging coming from the storeroom?" Dhruv queried.

"Yeah, let's see," Abhimanyu suggested.

"Guys, it's me Nandani! Please, get me out of here!" I yelled, pounding desperately on the door.

"Nandani, why did you go into the storeroom? How did you get locked in?" Mukti inquired.

"I'll explain everything, but please hurry. I'm suffocating, I can barely breathe," I gasped, feeling the air grow thin.

"Nandani, did you lock the door from inside?" Harshad asked.

"Do I look like a fool to you? Why would I lock myself in here and then call for help?" I snapped at Harshad angrily.

"Nandani, the door isn't even locked from the outside. It seems jammed, like it hasn't been opened in years," Aryaman told.

"Please get me out. I'm claustrophobic, I can't breathe," I pleaded.

"Nandani, calm down. We'll try to push the door open. Step back so you don't get hurt," Cabir instructed.

After several futile attempts, they successfully managed to break open the door.

I got out from the storeroom and began gasping for breath.

"Thank you guys for the help" I said gratefully.

"Are you alright?" Navya asked, and I nodded in agreement.

"You seem to be sweating a lot. Come, let's sit in the living room," Cabir suggested.

We all moved to the living room, with Johnny following us, wagging his tail.


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