5 part 1

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Dave PoV:
I wake up with a jolt, not knowing where I am, and then I remember I'm at John adorkable Egbert's houses. the morning sun is shining through his window. the sound of birdsong softly coming through the small gap In it.
I sit up and realise that John is awake. my senses come into action and I notice, my shades are not on my face, exposing my dastardly red eyes and a fair few freckles. John seems happy though. "Thought I'd never get to see your eyes again Dave!" John says happily. "You really do like them, don't you Egdork?" I ask already knowing the answer. He nods. "my dads home now." John states glumly. the smell of fresh cake fills the air as John opens his bedroom door, I take In the sweet smell. "Smells good" I mumble. "it tastes brilliant, but he makes it every day, constantly baking. He wants to be a professional but he's not gonna get anywhere cooking Betty Crocker's cake mix" John says. Mr. Egbert walks upstairs carrying a delicious looking chocolate Cake "John, do you want some ca- John, who is this?" Mr. Egbert asks John "firstly no dad I don't want any cake and secondly, yesterday was Friday and you said I could have friends stay over." John relays to his Father.
"Uh... I'm Dave, Dave strider. I just moved here and John has been extraordinary welcoming to me"
Papa Egbert's face lights up. "Are you by any chance the younger brother of Dirk Strider?" He asks me
"I certainly am" I reply back
He nods and leaves the room, placing the sickly chocolate cake on John's desk. John sighs and hops out of his bed, still in yesterday's clothes. "I'm gonna get dressed, in the bathroom" He points to a light green door across the corridor. 'okay' I say. he grabs some clothes from his dresser and attempts to leave the room. he completely fails this and walks into the wall. He falls over with a soft thud, tears in his unnaturally blue eyes. he wipes them away. "P-pass me my glasses please" he says adorably. I do as asked and hand him his glasses, I grab my shades and slip them on my face. John puts his glasses on and runs off to the bathroom. I pull out my IPhone and check the time. 11:34. jeez. John emerges from his bathroom wearing blue skinny jeans and a baggy-ish blue tee that has a strange windy logo thingy on it. "Bathrooms free" he says smiling. I grab my rucksack and pass by John, I ruffle his messy dark brown hair and slip into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I change my clothes and splash my face with water, fix my blonde hair and walk out of the bathroom. I walk back into John's room where he's smiling like mad. "Dave, my dad says you can stay over again, b-but only if you want to!" John says excitedly. "Sure!" I reply "I'll need to message my Bro though, you know, clothes for tomorrow."
John looks at me as if to say 'cool' and he hops into his wardrobe. Why? Don't ask me. A couple seconds later he leaps out wearing this hood thing, it goes down to his heels. I burst out laughing and I don't even know why. his hood kinda reminds me of my cape. "J-John I'm g-gonna haha text my hahaha brother to bring my cape too" John's face lights up "YESSS" he shouts obviously quite happy.
I send my bro a text;
Dave: bro, bring more stuff, like clothes. red tee with the clockwork time symbol and skinny jeans, oh yeah Cape too.
Bro: sure you stayin at your boyfriends again?
Bro: yeah yeah. I'll be down at the Egbert's in 5
Dave: sweet
I put away my phone. John's spinning in circles like a maniac. And of course he falls over. "Chill Egbert"
"I can't!"
"Why not?"
"I'm getting a brace today! It's gonna fix this stupid overbite!"
I frown, the overbite what makes him more adorable.
"Can't you cancel?" I ask John
"How do you like the overbite?"
"Y-yeah" I say trying and failing not to stutter
John smiles "okay! I'll tell them I've changed my mind" and just like that John pulls out his phone and calls the orthodontist telling them he wants to cancel his appointment.
There's a loud 'KNOCK' at the door, I assume it's my bro so I begin to walk out of John's room. Mr Egbert opens the door just as I get to the top of the stairs. "ahh hello Mr Strider"
"Oh hey Egbert! I'm just here to give Dave some stuff for tomorrow and tonight, and later. the kids a messy eater trust me"
I run downstairs and leap at my brother grabbing his shoulders, he drops my clothes on the ground and flips me over his shoulder. of course this makes my shades go flying across the hallway. I yelp and hit his stupid anime shades off his face
"Well well, this is a rare sight" Mr. E says "both striders shadeless" my bro glares at him looking like he's gonna slap him at any second. he doesnt he just points to my shades and puts his own on back over his gleaming orange eyes. "good bye Mr. E, Dave, JOHN, I've gotta gotta go home, English muffin is waiting"
We all say goodbye, including John and Bro leaves the Egbert household. I grab my shades and my clothes then run upstairs and dump my stuff in my backpack. "My dads out till Monday so I'm having a party tonight!" John half whispers half shouts "everyone's gonna be there!"
"And by everyone who do you mean?" I ask him
"Oh you know just Aradia Rose Tavros Sollux Nepeta Jade Terezi Karkat Gamzee Me you Equius Feferi Kanaya Eridan and..." he gulps "Vriska"
"Oh okay" I say sixteen people can't be too bad. can it?
"Tavros is gonna have a hard time though he's kinda paralysed from the waist down"
'But I seen him walk' I think to myself.
"His metallic legs broke yesterday, they aid him in walking" John states "people should be more careful, shoving people over like that." There's a small hint of anger in John's words "and by people I mean Vriska" John rants on for about ten minutes until I remind him he has a party to prepare for.
John's PoV:
The door knocks, presumably the first guest to my epic party. earlier on me and Dave went to the shop and got supplies, candy and stuff so we have plenty. I swing open the door and I am 'greeted' by Sollux arguing with his boyfriend Eridan.
"It'th a thtupid thing to be arguing about ED"
"Wwell you started it! It wwasn't m- oh hello John. Sorry bout that."
I invite the pair in and they go through to the living room. a couple seconds after I close the door there's another knock. I open it and there stands a small group; Tavros Gamzee Equius Nepeta and Karkat. Karkats bickering nonsense to Nepeta telling her that half of her ships are horrid and she utterly looks like she's gonna hit him. Gamzee has Tavros on his shoulders and appears to be talking about the new flavour of Faygo. I tell them to come in and they do, of course.
After about 10 minutes everyone except Terezi and Vriska are here. I don't Mind Terezi but Vriska, she just annoys the hell out of me. don't get me wrong, I did love her. emphasis on the DID. obviously I don't now. I don't know who I love. I realise that Karkat is practically screaming my name. "JOHN GOD DAMN EGBERT LISTEN TO ME!"
"What is it?"
"FINALLY!" He walks closer to me "have you seen that the new kid, Strider was it. Has been staring at you for the past ten minutes?"
I look in Dave's direction and our eyes meet, its pretty awkward. Dave goes kinda pinky-ish and looks away.
"I see what you mean, but that's just human instinct isn't it?"
"HAHAHA! God Egbert you make me laugh! Yes it's human instinct but he was looking at you all goo goo eyes"
"Yeahhhh right then"
I walk away from Karkat and wonder over to Dave, Jade and Rose and Kanaya. Jade is giggling like mad presumably at one of Dave's jokes and Rose is showing Kanaya one of her Wizard fanfics. Jade stands up and shouts 'TRUTH OR DARE TIME!'
Everyone rounds up over near the sofa and ether sits on the ground or on the sofa.
"I'll go furrst" Nepeta says excitedly. "Hmmmm... Dave! Truth or dare?"
Everyone except Dave knows that whatever he picks it's going to have something to do with shipping. oh god.
"Strider picks... dare."
Karkat bursts out laughing
"Hmm..." Nepeta says "I got it! Strider, kiss John!"
I goes bright red but none the less he takes my hand and kisses it
"M'lady" he says to me. Karkat now is in hysterics "oh my gog. HAHAHA Egbert you actually look feminine!"
"NO I DONT!" I shout at him
"Sorry..." I say backing down, trying not to start a fight. Yeah, I suppose i do look a tad feminine, the black blue skinny jeans do come from a girls shop. but hey! They fit me perfectly!
"EEEEE! I SHIP IT!" Nepeta squeals. "Could you, uhh, explain to me what an, uhh, ship is?" Tavros asks, looking slightly worried. A loud groan comes from the 'audience' "Tavbro I'll explain later" Gamzee whispers to Tavros, placing his hand on his shoulder.
"Aww... Mewr turrn Sturrider!"
Dave laughs "fine then, Gamzee truth or dare?"
Gamzee looks quite worried. "truth" Gamzee replies.
"Do you" Dave stalls for some kind of 'ironic' effect. "or do you not have a crush on Tav?"
Gamzee goes bright red and Nepeta squeals.
"Crap" Gamzee says. "y-yeah I guess I do" nepeta squeals even louder
"Wait, what?" Tavros asks.
"I like you bro" Gamzee replies scratch in the back of his neck. Tavros gestures to Gamzee asking for a hug, because obviously, Tavros can't exactly walk. Gamzee dose as 'asked' and hugs Tavros.
I didn't even realise.
I look down at my hand and right enough its in the soft clutches of the cool kid. He lets go of my hand and- did he frown? No, definitely not.
We continue playing truth or dare for about half an hour. I don't know why but every so often I find myself staring at Dave.
Just like right now. Dave looks at me, even though his shades I can tell. a warm red blush sweeps across my face and my heart flutters a little. he smiles. god why do I blush so much?!
"David, Dave, brother? Helloooo?" Rose tries to get Attention but he appears to be transfixed In something. I snap my fingers I front of him. the sound taking him out of his focused state.

Shades and Messy Hair (PepsiCola) ✨✨DISCONTINUED✨✨Where stories live. Discover now