Part 12

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"We need your help, Bonham," I began as he nodded, his drunken demeanor giving way to a more serious expression.

Little did Ella believe, the real reason we came here was to gather a crew for the ship. If I was going to get my baby back, I'd need help, and Bonham was the first piece of the puzzle.

"We're looking for a man, his name is Henry," Ella interrupted, her impatience clear as she cut to the chase.

Bonham looked at me, his eyes narrowing slightly in curiosity. Before he could respond, I interjected, sensing the need to steer the conversation. "Ella, why don't you get us some water?" I insisted, trying to sound as calm as possible.

She glared at me, clearly unhappy with being sidelined. "I can handle this, you know," she muttered, but she turned and walked towards the bar, her shoulders tense.

Bonham chuckled softly, watching her go. "Fiery one, isn't she?"

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "You have no idea."

"I'm still here," Ella shouted, her voice cutting through the noise of the pub. I groaned inwardly.

"Just give me a second with Bonham," I stated, trying to keep my tone calm. She glared at me, then stood up and left the table, her frustration evident.

Once she was out of earshot, I turned back to Bonham. "Now that she's gone... my ship was stolen," I said, watching his reaction closely.

Bonham nodded, his expression serious. "I need a crew to get her back," I continued, feeling a mix of desperation and determination.

"So we're not saving the boy?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

I laughed, though there was little humor in it. "Bloody no... but I suspect the men who took him took my ship," I explained, leaning in closer. "Henry's just a piece of the puzzle. We find him, we find the ship."

Bonham's eyes glinted with understanding. "Makes sense. And a ship like yours... she's worth the risk."

"Exactly," I agreed. "We need a strong crew, men who are loyal and willing to face danger. And we need them fast."

Bonham took a deep swig from his mug, considering my words. "I know a few lads who'd be up for it. They've been itching for action, and they owe me a few favors."

"Good," I said, relief washing over me. "We'll need every hand we can get."

Ella returned to the table with two glasses of beer, her expression still stormy. "Done with your secrets?" she asked, crossing her arms.

"For now," I replied, giving her a reassuring smile. "Bonham's going to help us assemble a crew. We're heading to the old lighthouse as soon as we're ready."

She sighed, but nodded. "Fine. Let's just get out of here."

"Right," Bonham said, standing up. "I'll gather the men and meet you at the docks. Give me an hour."

"We'll be there," I assured him, shaking his hand firmly.

As Bonham disappeared into the crowd, I turned to Ella with a half-hearted attempt at humor. "Enjoying the nightlife?"

She met my gaze, her eyes narrowing. "What was so important that you two needed to discuss without me around?"

"Pirate business," I shrugged nonchalantly, taking a long swig of my beer, hoping to diffuse her growing irritation.

"Pirate business?" Ella repeated incredulously, her voice rising slightly. "You're planning a rescue mission and you think it's just 'pirate business'?"

I sighed, setting my mug down with a thud. "It is now. Let's go," I said firmly, ending the conversation.

Ella groaned in frustration but nodded begrudgingly. She followed me out of the pub, the cool night air hitting us as we stepped onto the quiet streets.

The docks were quiet, the ships moored there swaying gently with the tide. We found a secluded spot to wait, the minutes ticking by slowly.

Finally, Bonham appeared, followed by a group of rough-looking men. They eyed us warily, but Bonham's presence seemed to reassure them. "These are the lads," he said, clapping one on the back. "Good men, all of them."

I stepped forward, addressing the group. "We have a boy to find. It won't be easy, and there will be danger. But if we succeed, there will be rewards."

The men murmured among themselves, then one stepped forward, nodding. "We're in."

"Good," I said, feeling a surge of determination.

Everyone began to board the ship, their footsteps echoing against the wooden planks as they moved with purpose. Ella stayed close to me, lightly tugging on my jacket for reassurance. Bonham began to assemble and direct the men to their stations with practiced efficiency, his voice carrying over the quiet bustle of preparations.

As I walked towards the wheel, feeling the weight of responsibility settle on my shoulders, Ella whispered anxiously beside me. "Will these men be with us for the remainder?"

I paused, sensing her unease. Ella seemed more reserved and apprehensive now. Perhaps it was the change in scenery, the unfamiliarity of the crew, or the anticipation of what lay ahead. But I knew one thing for certain: these men wouldn't dare to lay a hand on her as long as Bonham and I were present.

"Never thought you'd be scared of something ," I joked her, guiding her towards her cabin. "Bonham's crew may look rough, but they're seasoned sailors. They know better than to cause trouble on my ship."

She nodded, though her expression remained uncertain. "I just... I've never been on a ship like this before."

Stopping outside her cabin door. "Uou'll be safe here. I'll keep watch over you."

Ella smiled faintly, her fingers curling around the door handle. "I'm not sure that gives me comfort."

"Get some rest," I advised, giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

With that, I left her to settle into her cabin, the quiet murmur of the crew's preparations fading as I returned to the deck. Bonham was overseeing the final details, his presence commanding respect from his men. The ship was ready, and so were we.

"Captain," Bonham greeted me as I approached, a serious look in his eyes. "We're set to sail."

"Good," I replied, scanning the horizon. The night was still and calm, the moon casting a silvery glow over the water. "Let's find my ship."

With a nod from Bonham, the crew sprang into action, unfurling the sails and preparing to depart. As the ship began to move, cutting through the quiet waters, I felt a surge of anticipation.

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