Part 33

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"Put me down!" I shouted, tears welling in my eyes as I glared at John. This was the third time he had deceived me, and I was tired of it.

"Ella, can you calm down?" he requested, his voice steady but strained as I began to hit his chest in frustration.

"This is all your fault!" I shouted, my voice breaking. We were alone, stuck on this devil's island, surrounded by treachery and danger.

John caught my wrists gently, his expression pained. "Ella, I'm sorry. But we need to stick together if we're going to get out of this."

I pulled away, anger still burning within me. "How can I trust you after everything you've done?"

He sighed, looking down at the ground. "I don't expect you to trust me right now. But for our survival, we need to work together."

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my emotions. The cave had collapsed, the treasure was lost, and Henry was gone again. "Stop lying to me and just tell the truth," I angrily shouted, my frustration boiling over.

John sighed, his shoulders slumping. "Ella, I never meant for any of this to happen."

"Then why did Jones send us here? What's his plan?" I demanded, tired of being kept in the dark.

John looked away, his face troubled. "Jones has always been after more than just treasure. He's searching for something much bigger—a heart, and I must find it before him."

My anger turned to shock. "A heart? Why the hell does he need that?"

John began to stand up, and I followed, still reeling from the revelations. This journey had been confusing, and I was tired of being lied to. "You owe me a huge explanation! I'm not going anywhere with you until I get the full truth," I sternly said.

John sighed deeply. "There's a genocide happening, Ella. The pirate code has been broken, and we're all in danger."

I stared at him, confused and alarmed. "What does this have to do with Henry or me?"

John shrugged, his frustration evident. "Henry's involvement is unclear at this moment. But you, Ella... Jones's search for the heart is connected to an ancient prophecy. It's said that whoever possesses the heart can control the seas and the fate of nations."

I tried to process what he was saying. "And how does that relate to this genocide? And why does Jones need to find it so desperately?"

John's expression grew grim. "The genocide is a result of the pirate factions breaking the ancient codes. This heart, if Jones finds it, he plans on handing it over to the king. The pirate factions are falling apart, and if Jones succeeds, it will lead to more chaos and destruction."

I felt a knot tighten in my stomach. "So, we're caught in the middle of a power struggle that could ruin everything."

John nodded. "Exactly. And if Jones succeeds, not only will he gain unimaginable power, but he could also cause irreparable damage to the fragile balance that keeps the pirate world in check."

I shook my head, my frustration mounting. "And what about Henry? Why is he involved?"

"Again, not sure, love, but it's best we get off this bloody island soon," he said as I followed him, heading toward the ocean.

"I'm just not understanding all of these stories. First, you tell me he took your soul—which, funny to find out, was a lie. Now he's working with the king to bring down all pirates, which also doesn't make any sense," I continued, my voice rising.

John sighed heavily, his eyes scanning the horizon. "Jone's always been a man of shifting loyalties. If he's indeed working with the king, it's likely driven by his own ambitions or a hidden agenda. He's never been one to play by the rules, even among pirates."

"So, what's the play then?" I asked, frustration and desperation mingling in my voice. "How do we stop this madness without knowing where all the pieces fit?"

"Don't know, love, but again, we need to reach Singapore now before Jones does," he answered, his voice tinged with urgency as my mind spun even further.

I grabbed his arm tightly, my fingers brushing against his skin as I stared at him, defiance blazing in my eyes. "Who said I was following you?" I challenged, crossing my arms as we locked eyes, the tension between us crackling like static.

John took a deliberate step closer, his body nearly pressing against mine as he leaned down to match my height. "You're my cargo, remember," he said with a smirk that sent a shiver through me.

His proximity made my breath hitch, a warm flush spreading across my cheeks. I took a step forward, not backing down, my voice low and fierce. "I don't belong to you, nor am I following you to Asia," I hissed, my eyes narrowed as I fought the magnetic pull between us.

John's gaze lingered on my lips before meeting my eyes again, the smirk turning into a smoldering smile. "You can resist all you want," he said softly, his breath warm against my skin, "but we both know you need me once again."

I swallowed hard, the heat of his body so close to mine almost overwhelming. "This isn't about you, John," I said, though the flutter in my chest betrayed my words.

"No?" he murmured, his lips brushing against my ear as he spoke. "Because it feels a lot like that to me."

I shivered at the touch, struggling to maintain my composure. "This is about survival," I said, though my voice was barely a whisper now.

John's eyes locked onto mine, a dangerous glint in them. "Then let's survive together," he said, his hand gently tracing the line of my jaw. "But if you're not coming with me, you'd better have a damn good plan."

The intensity of the moment made my heart race, the line between frustration and desire blurring in the dim light.

I took a shaky breath, trying to steady my racing heart. "You really think you can charm your way out of this one, John?"

John's smile widened, his gaze never leaving mine. "It's not about charm, love. It's about understanding what's at stake. And right now, you and I are stuck together, whether you like it or not."

He gently brushed a curl of hair from my face, his touch sending another jolt through me. "We both know there's a spark here," he said softly. "Fighting it won't change the fact that we need each other."

I bit my lip, struggling to suppress the feelings bubbling up inside me. "I don't need you," I said, though my voice was trembling slightly.

John's fingers lingered on my cheek, his touch sending electric thrills through my skin. "You say that now," he murmured, his lips inches from mine, "but deep down, you know we're better together."

I could feel the heat of his breath mingling with mine, the space between us shrinking with every heartbeat. The intensity of the moment was almost overwhelming, making it hard to think clearly. I had to remind myself of our mission, but his proximity was a tantalizing distraction.

Before I could respond, John's hand slipped around my waist, pulling me closer. "i'll make sure you don't get hurt," he said, his voice a seductive whisper. "We're partners in this fight. And despite what you might say, you're as tangled in this as I am."

My resistance wavered as I looked up at him, the smoldering heat in his eyes nearly impossible to ignore. "Fine," I said, surrendering to the undeniable attraction. "I'll go with you. But only because it's the best chance i've got. And don't think for a second this changes anything between us."

John's smile turned into a triumphant grin, and he leaned in, his lips brushing mine in a fleeting, electrifying kiss. "Deal," he said softly, pulling back just enough to look into my eyes. "But remember, love, we're in this together—every step of the way."

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