Part 40

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I decided to give John some space last night. He didn't seem himself when he mentioned Bloodbone or whoever's name was spoken.

Walking around the deck, I found him at the wheel again, quiet as we sailed. I took slow steps upstairs and stood watching him.

"I used to love the water," I spoke first, catching his attention as I looked out across the sea.

He stared at me with an unreadable expression. "Thought you hated it," he cleared his throat to ask.

I nodded, stepping closer towards him. "I guess we both lie," I shrugged.

"I loved it... it reminded me of my mother," I whispered.

"Why are you telling me this, Ella?" he asked quickly as I nodded, remembering my point.

"Because," I began, choosing my words carefully, "the sea also took her away from me. I've been running from it ever since, but I can't run anymore. And I think you understand that feeling better than anyone."

John's grip tightened on the wheel, and he looked away, his jaw clenched.

"Sweet story," he smirked as I rolled my eyes, realizing he was taking this as a joke. I genuinely wanted to know if he was okay, though.

Walking closer, I positioned myself directly in his line of sight. "I'm not joking, John... You don't have to speak now, but if we're going to be on this journey together for a while, I want to know about it," I whispered kindly.

He seemed taken aback, and even I was surprised by the softness in my own voice. There was a moment of silence, a quiet tension hanging in the air. John's smirk faded, replaced by a serious, almost vulnerable expression.

His eyes searched mine, as if looking for something, perhaps sincerity or reassurance. I stood my ground, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Thank you," he finally said, his voice barely audible.

I took another step closer, feeling the warmth radiating from his body. "Again, not trying to push you, but I'm a good listener," I said, my voice steady.

He reached out, almost hesitantly, and tucked a curl of hair behind my ear. His touch sent a shiver down my spine. Our faces were now just inches apart, our breaths mingling in the small space between us.

"Maybe someday," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. His eyes were filled with a mix of uncertainty and something else—something deeper. I felt my heart beat faster, the air between us charged with unspoken feelings.

Before either of us could think, our movements became synchronized. I reached up, my fingers lightly tracing the line of his jaw, while his hand gently cupped the back of my neck. There was a moment of hesitation, a shared breath where we both seemed to realize what was about to happen, and then we closed the gap between us.

Our lips met in a soft, tentative kiss. It was as if we were both testing the waters, unsure but curious. The gentle pressure of his lips against mine sent waves of warmth through my body. We pulled back slightly, eyes meeting again, searching for any sign of regret or hesitation. But all I saw in his eyes was a reflection of my own desire.

Emboldened by what I saw, I leaned in again, this time more sure, more eager. The kiss deepened, growing more passionate. His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer until there was no space left between us. I could feel his heartbeat against my chest, fast and strong, matching the rhythm of my own.

We were both lost in the moment, neither of us prepared for the intensity of the connection. His hands roamed up my back, sending shivers of pleasure through me, while my fingers tangled in his hair, holding him close.

I listened to my desires and pushed my thoughts back as I enjoyed this moment. We weren't arguing or bantering each other... we were simply calm.

When we finally broke apart, breathless and slightly dizzy, we stared at each other, a mix of surprise and delight on our faces.

"Wow," he breathed, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I love your lips."

I bursted out laughing at him as it was such a random compliment. My eyes trailed his body and lips and I knew I wanted more. The tension crackled between us, thick and palpable, like a storm waiting to break.

I boldly leaned in for another kiss, but he dodged me swiftly, causing me to pause as I stared in disbelief.

"I'm not really a kiss guy..." he began, and I rolled my eyes in response.

"What are you then?" I asked, leaning forward, my curiosity piqued.

He gripped my back, pulling me closer, our chests pressing together. "I like things rough, Ella," he whispered, sending a thrill through my body.

"And what does that have to do with kissing?" I challenged, but he only smirked at my rebuttal.

"Why talk about it if you'd never want me?" he mocked, backing me into a corner.

He had a point, but today felt different. "I can change my mind," I asserted, feeling the heat rising between us. His gaze darkened, and in a heartbeat, his lips crashed into mine, fierce and hungry, igniting a fire that swept through me.

He wrapped his arms around my waist as I jumped, allowing him to carry me. He lifted my body like a feather as we left the top deck and headed to my room.

The cool night air brushed against our skin, the distant sound of waves crashing against the hull providing a soothing backdrop. I could feel his steady heartbeat against my back, a comforting rhythm that matched the swaying motion of his steps.

As we reached my door, he gently set me down, his hands lingering on my waist for a moment longer, our eyes locking in a silent understanding.

My back laid on the bed as I trailed my fingers across his jaw line.

He smirked leaning down to capture my lips again. As we kissed his hands began to travel underneath my dress causing my back to arch.

I felt his fingers tap my thighs as they ghosted over my waist line. Just before I could speak I felt him grip my lower region as he began to massage it carefully.

My eyes fluttered closed as the soft movement sent electric currents through me. "John," I moaned, my voice trembling with need. He smirked, slipping a finger inside me, making my back arch instinctively at the sensation.

"More," I whispered, my breath hitching as I begged for him to take it further. But he only chuckled softly, shaking his head as he teasingly withdrew his hand from beneath my skirt.

My eyes flew open, frustration flashing in them as I stared at him. "What are you doing?" I demanded, watching in disbelief as he casually licked his fingers, savoring the taste.

"I'm not free, love," he said with a smirk that made my blood boil. "If you want me, all you have to do is say the words."

I glared at him, my pride stinging from the taunt. "I'd rather set myself on fire," I spat, refusing to give in.

He shrugged, unfazed, and began to slip his shirt back on. "Well then, our night ends here," he replied, rising to leave without a second glance.

I didn't stop him, though my anger simmered, almost too intense to contain. I watched him go, hating how badly I still wanted him despite everything.

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