Part 3

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Watching the woman run around getting me dressed for the big day, there was no smile on my face. My maid, noticing my expression, gently urged, "Ma'am, you must wear a smile. It's your wedding day." But her words did little to lift my spirits.

I frowned as the corset dug deep into my waist, each breath a reminder that this day was not filled with joy for me. The weight of expectations and the reality of my situation bore down heavily, making it impossible to muster any semblance of happiness.

"Everyone out, leave me with my daughter," my father shouted, causing all the maids to scurry out of the room. Once we were alone, he turned to me, his expression softening.

"Ella, you look beautiful," he said with a smile.

"Thank you, Daddy," I replied, trying to match his smile. But then my voice wavered. "Do you think we can postpone?" I begged, searching his eyes for a glimmer of hope.

He sighed deeply, the weight of my request hanging heavily in the air. "Ella..." he began, his tone a mix of sympathy and resignation.

"Why must I marry him?" I asked, my voice cracking with frustration and desperation.

My father shook his head, a look of sadness in his eyes. "You know why, Ella. Our social climate is in danger with these pirates becoming more dangerous, and your condition..." he whispered, trailing off as he glanced around to ensure no one was listening.

I groaned, feeling the weight of my circumstances pressing down on me. "But it's not fair," I protested weakly.

"The Duke can protect you more than I can," he spoke firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument. "This marriage isn't just about you, it's about securing our family's future."

"But I am alright, Father! Nobody knows about me, and our land is safe," I begged, my voice trembling with desperation.

He shook his head quickly, his expression resolute. "Ella, I have sheltered you for a reason. This world is dangerous and even worse for you. I watched your mother die, and I promised to protect you!" he shouted, his voice filled with a pain that echoed in the room.

I sighed, feeling the weight of his words. My mother died at the hands of pirates, the very thing my father hated most in this world. Her death left an indelible mark on him, a wound that never truly healed.

"But Father," I pleaded, "marrying the Duke feels like a prison. I don't want to live my life in fear, traded like a pawn."

His face softened slightly, but the determination remained. "I know, Ella. But sometimes, we must make sacrifices to ensure our safety. The Duke can provide protection and stability that I can no longer guarantee. It's not just about love or happiness; it's about survival."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I realized the depth of his concern and the harsh reality of our situation. "I understand," I whispered, though my heart ached with the burden of what lay ahead.

"Now, put a smile on your face and let's go," he cheered, trying to infuse his voice with encouragement. I forced a weak smile, though my heart wasn't in it.

Picking up my wedding dress, I followed him outside. The sunlight was bright, almost mocking in its brilliance, as the gathered guests turned to look at us. The weight of their expectations and the reality of my impending marriage pressed heavily on my shoulders.

As we walked towards the grand hall, my father squeezed my hand gently. "Remember, Ella, this is for your own good," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the hum of the crowd.

I nodded, trying to steady my breathing. The grand doors opened, revealing the aisle decorated with flowers and candles, leading to the altar where the Duke awaited. Each step felt like a mile, my heart pounding in my chest.

Reaching the altar, I glanced at the Duke, his expression unreadable. My father placed my hand in his, and the ceremony began. We stop outside as I looked beyond the sea, many ships were at dock and I sighed realizing my future

"We gather here today for the union of Miss Dubose and Duke Graves. If anyone disapproves of this union, please speak now," the priest voiced, his tone solemn.

"Pirates!" someone suddenly shouted from the back of the hall, causing a wave of panic to ripple through the crowd. The Duke ducked down instinctively as chaos erupted around us. Screams filled the air as guests scrambled to find safety, the tranquil ceremony shattered in an instant.

Many people in the town began to run as a vast number of pirates flooded the lower town, their menacing presence striking fear into the hearts of everyone. The once peaceful celebration turned into a scene of terror.

"Where are the guards?" the Duke shouted, his voice filled with urgency and anger. He scanned the area, looking for any sign of the town's defenders.

I stood frozen, my mind racing. The pirates were here, the very threat my father had feared most. Suddenly, my father appeared at my side, his face pale but determined.

"Ella, stay close to me," he ordered, drawing his sword. "We need to get you to safety."

As we moved towards the exit, the pirates broke through the doors, one eyes locking onto me. "Where is the child?" he bellowed, pointing his weapon in our direction.

My heart pounded watching everything unfold. My father tightened his grip on my hand, pulling me along as we navigated through the chaos. The sounds of clashing swords and terrified screams filled the air, blending into a cacophony of fear.

"Ella, we must hurry!" my father urged, his voice strained. The Duke stayed behind to fight the men off, his face set in grim determination.

"Henry!" my father shouted, tossing me towards the young man. "Get Ella to safety!" he commanded, his voice resolute.

I clung to my father's hand, refusing to let go. "What about you, Father?" I begged, tears streaming down my face, the fear and uncertainty overwhelming me.

"We will meet again!" he shouted, his voice carrying a desperate reassurance. His eyes, filled with determination and love, locked onto mine as Henry pulled me away.

"Ella, we must leave," Henry cried urgently, his grip firm as he began to lead me away from the chaos. My heart wrenched as I let go of my father's hand, the last physical connection to him slipping away.

As Henry and I ran through the panic-stricken crowd, I glanced back one last time, seeing my father bravely confronting the pirates. The sounds of battle grew louder, the clash of swords and cries of the wounded echoing in my ears.

Henry led me down a narrow alley, away from the main streets where the pirates were wreaking havoc. "We need to get to a boat," he said, breathless. "It's our best chance of hiding until it's safe." I nodded, my mind numb with fear and grief.

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