Part 28

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I glanced over at John, who was just a few steps ahead of me. He was quieter than usual, which made me feel uneasy.

"I'll go ask John for answers," I whispered to Henry.

He shook his head, holding my wrist tight. "I thought we couldn't trust him," he reminded me, his eyes filled with concern. I had told him that, and with good reason.

"We can't, but it's just a question," I said, gently pulling away from his grasp.

Henry reluctantly let go, his eyes following me as I approached John. The crew's murmurings filled the air, but John seemed lost in his own thoughts, his gaze fixed on the path ahead.

"John," I called softly, stepping beside him. He turned to look at me, his expression guarded. "What's really going on?"

John's eyes flickered with something—uncertainty, perhaps. "Orders changed. That's all I know," he replied, his voice low.

I studied him for a moment, sensing there was more he wasn't saying. "This place doesn't look like a usual stop. There's no sign of civilization."

He hesitated, then sighed. "Jones insisted. Said it was necessary."

"Necessary for what?" I pressed, feeling the tension in my chest tighten.

John glanced around, "If you're so curious why not ask Jones himself"

"I'm asking you" I bit back as he sighed

"I don't have answers for you love" he smiled back

My mind raced with possibilities, none of them good. "And you're okay with this? Dragging us into the jungle with no explanation?"

John's jaw tightened. "I follow orders, Ella. Just like you."

I bit back a retort, knowing it wouldn't help. "Thats bullshit."

He gave a slight nod, and I turned to rejoin Henry, who was watching our exchange with a mix of worry and impatience.

"Well?" Henry asked as I approached.

"He doesn't know much," I admitted,

Henry nodded, his grip on my hand tightening. "Then we stick to our plan as best we can. Find a way to slip away when the time is right."

We continued through the jungle, the dense foliage closing in around us. The path was narrow and uneven, making our progress slow and cautious. The sounds of the jungle—chirping insects, rustling leaves, distant animal calls—were a constant reminder of how isolated we were.

Jones led the way, his demeanor as stern and unreadable as ever. I kept a close eye on him, trying to decipher his intentions. Whatever he was after, it had to be significant to risk bringing us all here.

As we pressed on, the crew grew more uneasy. Bonham whispered something to one of the other men, their faces mirroring the uncertainty I felt.

We finally reached a small clearing, where Jones ordered us to set up camp. The crew moved mechanically, setting up tents and gathering firewood. Henry and I took the opportunity to exchange a few hurried words.

"Tonight," Henry whispered, his eyes scanning the area. "We'll make our move tonight."

I nodded, the weight of our situation pressing down on me. The jungle was vast and unknown, but it was our only chance.

"Henry, come help me over here, boy," Jones called out, a rare smile playing on his lips as he beckoned Henry to join him.

Henry stood up reluctantly, casting a brief, reassuring glance my way before walking over to where Jones stood. I continued setting up our tent, my hands working automatically while my mind raced with thoughts of our escape.

Everyone was preoccupied with their tasks, their movements a blur of activity as they set up camp. It was then that my eyes caught sight of John, slipping away into the woods, his movements furtive and purposeful.

Nobody else seemed to be paying attention, their focus on the immediate demands of setting up camp. But I couldn't ignore it. John's secretive departure gnawed at my curiosity and suspicion.

Standing up quietly, I made sure no one was watching before I began to follow him, stepping lightly to avoid drawing attention. The dense underbrush cushioned my steps as I trailed behind him, keeping a safe distance.

John moved quickly, his path winding deeper into the jungle. I had to be careful not to lose him, but also not to get too close. The thick foliage provided ample cover, but it also made it harder to keep track of him.

He stopped suddenly, and I quickly ducked behind a tree, peering out to see what he was up to. John glanced around, ensuring he wasn't followed, before crouching down and pulling something from his pocket. It was a small, weathered map.

My breath caught in my throat as I watched him study the map, his fingers tracing over the lines and markings. What was he looking for? And why the secrecy?

After a few moments, John folded the map and tucked it back into his pocket. He stood up, casting another wary glance around before continuing deeper into the jungle. I hesitated for a moment, debating whether to keep following him or return to camp. The need for answers won out, and I pressed on.

The sounds of the camp grew fainter as I ventured further into the jungle. The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and vegetation, and the canopy above blocked out much of the fading light. My heart pounded in my chest, the thrill of the unknown propelling me forward.

John finally came to a stop in a small, secluded clearing. I watched from behind a thick bush as he knelt down, clearing away some leaves and dirt to reveal a hidden compartment in the ground. My eyes widened as he pulled out a small, metallic box.

He opened the box carefully, revealing its contents. I couldn't see what was inside from my vantage point, but whatever it was, it seemed important. John's face was tense, his eyes scanning the clearing as if expecting someone to appear at any moment.

I inched closer, trying to get a better look. My foot brushed against a twig, and it snapped loudly in the stillness. John's head jerked up, his eyes locking onto my hiding spot.

Panic surged through me. I had been careful, but not careful enough. Before I could decide whether to flee or reveal myself, John called out.

"Who's there?" he demanded, his voice sharp and wary.

There was no use hiding anymore. I stepped out from behind the bush, my heart racing. "It's me, John," I said, my voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

John's eyes narrowed, suspicion and anger flickering across his face. "What are you doing here, Ella?"

"I could ask you the same thing," I replied, taking a step closer. "What are you hiding, John?"

He hesitated, glancing down at the box in his hands before meeting my gaze. "This has nothing to do with you, Ella. Go back to camp."

I shook my head. "No. Not until you tell me what's going on. Why are we really here, John? What's Jones alternative?"

John sighed, the weight of the situation settling heavily on his shoulders. "You need to trust me when I say I don't know"

"That's not good enough," I insisted, my frustration mounting. "You're hiding something."

He looked at me for a long moment, his expression softening just slightly. "Ella, I'm just trying to stay alive."

"What do you mean?" I pressed further, my curiosity piqued.

The wind began to pick up as he stepped closer to me, our bodies just inches apart. "Don't trust everyone on board, especially Jones," he whispered urgently into my ear.

"Why are we here?" I asked, my voice barely a breath. John opened his mouth to answer, but a deafening cannon blast suddenly interrupted, echoing through the jungle.

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