Ch 11

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Chapter 11 

"Say What?"

Daniel: "He said that since you were involved in the translation, why didn't you write your name?"

Yan Tingxin's heart thumped, and he had a premonition.

Yan Tingxin's current translation company, most of the service customers are commercial companies, and most of the translated manuscripts are commercial company documents and other materials, such as business contracts, such as PPT of business talks, this kind of company documents will not be specifically written that the translator is so-and-so.

The content of the translation is also assigned by the project manager to everyone to translate a part together, and finally summarized, and the project manager controls the overall translation quality before delivering it to the client Party A.

The best situation is that the translation of a certain publication item will write the editor-in-chief and other information on a certain page of the inner page, and finally write the "translator" and "colon".

The translation agency will also discuss seniority, she is just a rookie who has worked for less than two years, this travelogue, she did the work of two people by herself, but there is no signature.

Daniel smiled, "Grace, you're going to have your translation on this translation!"

Yan Tingxin: "Really?

Daniel pulled out the sample book in his hand and opened the inside page of the first page, on which the translator's column had been added Yan Tingxin's name.

Daniel: "It's the third translator. "

It's already a surprise to Yan Tingxin, which proves that Yan Tingxin is about to have a masterpiece of translated works!

She held the fingers of the sample book happily and was a little excited: "Help me, thank you writer!" Daniel

: "That's a coincidence. The writer also asked me to help bring you a word: thank you for the translation!

Yan Tingxin touched his name, and a sense of pride and satisfaction welled up in his heart.

Once upon a time, she also dreamed that she could translate a novel with the inscription: Yan Tingxin [translation].

Passing by colleague Nicole is the Russian translator of their translation company, not in their English group, holding coffee, passing by here, saw the sample book, listened to the cause and effect, and sighed:

"Grace, you're so lucky, leave a note for the writer and you'll have a publication signature. I knew that when I was translating, I encountered the name of a food that the writer didn't know, and I also left a message for him, asked someone to give him a note, asked him to notice me, and called the publishing house to get me a signature. Nicole

doesn't usually have much emotional intelligence, and she often speaks with no brains, which is very offensive, and she says it like Yan Tingxin is very scheming, and she left the note not to kindly tell the writer what the taste is looking for, but to attract the writer's attention and let the writer know that she has made a translation contribution to this travelogue.

Yan Tingxin also felt a pang in his heart after listening to her words, and was thinking about how to reply.

Project manager Daniel directly and righteously said to the members of the maintenance team:

"The layman looks at the excitement, and the insider looks at the doorway.

Some people only see others being asked to sign because they tell the writer the name of the food, and think it's luck, but our translation professionals and original writers, when you look at the manuscript, you know how much effort you have put in, and this attitude of respecting the original book and the effort you put in is the fundamental reason for the translation of the signature.

Otherwise, even if there is only one person left in our group to be the translator, and only sign the name of this one person, if the translation is not good, it will be returned.

This sentence directly accuses Nicole of not being professional enough and being a layman, and Nicole is a Russian translator, so he is not a layman at all.

It also alludes to the manuscript that Nicole translated for a certain government department not long ago, because it was not smooth enough, it was directly returned.

At that time, Nicole quibbled, 'Because the original manuscript was translated from German to Russian, and I translated it into Chinese, it would not make sense if I translated it earlier.'

Unexpectedly, the staff member of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Zheng Government Department, who was in charge of her manuscript, immediately exposed her sophistry: "Don't talk to me about these reasons, I studied this major, and I can read the sentences if they don't make sense, don't use such a manuscript to fool us."

Nicole's face was scornful, and he wanted to find a crack in the ground to get into.

She is not from the English translation team, just during work, pour a coffee, go to other groups, listen to her say this kind of thing to Grace, the other members of the English translation team did not give her a good face.

Nicole was like a rooster drenched in water, holding his coffee and walking away in a gray manner, holding his coffee and stalking his shoulders, and he didn't dare to look at Yan Tingxin at all.

Daniel looked at Yan Tingxin with gentle eyes, and smiled at Yan Tingxin encouragingly: "Grace, your recent progress in translation work is obvious to all. I'm optimistic about you! Come on!

Yan Tingxin also showed great firmness, clenched his fists, and said that he would work harder: "Thank you for your encouragement." I'll do my best.
Daniel left, the surrounding colleagues rushed up, all came to look at the sample book in Yan Tingxin's hand, and comforted Yan Tingxin.

"Don't take Nicole's words to heart, she just doesn't like her mouth, and I've been angry with her several times, and I don't care about her when we meet now.

"Yes, Nicole's business ability is also very average, and he is rejected and quibbles. She can't get a signature, it's because you have a better life than her, better than her.

Yan Tingxin: "Thank you, I'll just treat what she said as a deaf ear."

"That's right.

"Grace, you're awesome, you've only been working for a year or two, and you're in your early twenties, and you've got a translation publication. When I was as young as you, I was still translating PPT.

"I also hope that one day, I will be able to write the translator in the publication: Carol Xu."

"Our company is not large, resources are limited, and we usually receive business document translations, and there are few publications translations, so this opportunity is too rare.

"In the future, it can be used to evaluate the title."

"It's very satisfying to have a physical book with your name printed on it, without mentioning the benefits of a job title. "


At 5 p.m., she headed to a Swiss town.

She walked in every place in the town where she and Ning Huan had ever met, in front of the bakery, in the lakeside park, in the restaurant...... I want to find Ning Huan's figure.

I searched them one by one, but I found nothing.

She wandered the streets, thinking about Ning Huan picking up her lost book a few days ago, and said, "When I went out a few days ago, I had to meet you in different places every time, but when I wanted to look for you, I couldn't meet you." I

deliberately looked for him, but I couldn't find it, this town is not big, it is not small, and when you want to find someone, it is really difficult to find.

Maybe it's fate in the dark, as soon as I raised my eyes, the man was around the corner.

"Mr. Ning! Across the road, she stepped on canvas shoes and waved her arms at Ning Huan with a smile.

"You're looking for me? "


"What do you want me to do?" "

A small gift for you. "


Yan Tingxin smiled and handed the sample book to Ning Huan.

Ning Huan hesitated for two seconds, saw the familiar cover, and finally accepted this 'gift'.

Ning Huan flipped through the pages of the book and read a few articles: "This is the English version of the book you left behind."

Yan Tingxin nodded proudly: "Hmm!

Ning Huan flipped to the homepage: "The third translator: Is Grace Yan your English name?"

Yan Tingxin nodded: "Yes."

Ning Huan cast an approving look in his eyes: "Very powerful!"

Yan Tingxin was quite surprised: "Why did you guess that this name was me at once?" The first few times I met, I didn't mention that I was a translator, did I?

Ning Huan closed the page: "First of all, this book is a sample book, and there is no publication number on the brand new cover, if the English version of this book is not related to you, you will not be able to get a sample book."

Secondly, the waiter handed me the book, saying that it was left by my friend, and to determine whose book it was, I opened it and looked at it, and saw that there was a folded page inside, which was about the author having eaten a dish with a compound taste in Switzerland. It's the cholera pie you're looking for, you're asking me.

According to your description, you have no idea what this dish is, and you don't know if it's a pie.

You certainly won't be the original author of this book.

Again, your book has a lot of handwritten notes on English words, your English is very good, and the first two translators are signed by boys.

So, I'm guessing you're a translator by profession, and the English name is the third name of the translator.

This analysis made Yan Tingxin stunned.

This is the most Ning Huan has said since he met Ning Huan.

I'm afraid that the number of words I said in the first few meetings didn't add up to that much as what I said in one time today.

Yan Tingxin: "Awesome! Have you studied criminal investigation? "

A big detective with a faint melancholy temperament, I think the character is very charming when I think about it.

Ning Huan: "...... No.

Yan Tingxin: "Your logical derivation ability is quite strong.

Ning Huan: "It's not hard to guess. The

character clip video flashed through his mind, and Yan Tingxin's eyes were round: "Oh, I remember, you used to play a criminal policeman!"

Ning Huan's eyes blinked quickly.

Yan Tingxin stroked the hair in his ear: "Hmm...... I, I didn't know who you were when we met the first two times, I didn't mean to talk to you, I swiped your video a few days ago......"

She wanted to express that she was not a pretending illegitimate meal, or a fanatical star chaser, deliberately approaching him.

Ning Huan didn't let her continue to confess herself, and her voice was gentle: "I know you didn't know me at first. Don't tell anyone I'm here.

His tone was not half forced, like a whisper in the breeze, an agreement with a friend.

Yan Tingxin nodded: "I won't!"

The corners of Ning Huan's mouth moved slightly, and the topic was revealed.

Ning Huan turned the translated travelogue to the page about the cholera faction: "You are looking for the cholera faction everywhere for translation?

Yan Tingxin smiled shyly: "Yes, this is the result of my work that I have been busy with some time ago, and I have a sample book." This is my first signed book. The overseas publishing process is very long, and I don't know how long it will take to get the sample book and actually go on the market, but I want to share it with you as soon as possible.

Ning Huan raised his head, his black eyes were like a secluded pool: "Is it the first one to give it to me?" "

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