Ch 22

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Chapter 22

 Yan Tingxin pushed his father's body: "Dad, wake up, there was almost a fire in the kitchen just now." 

But my father rolled over and went back to sleep.

Yan Tingxin found the empty wine bottle on the table.

He's drunk!

My father had never said that he had drunk that day.

Yan Tingxin frowned, remembering the day of the fire in her memory, she saw her father's embarrassed appearance, with burnt marks on his clothes, one foot wearing slippers, one foot barefoot, drenched from head to toe, hair sticking to the top of his head, and his face was black.

She sullenly threw the wine bottle on the table into the trash.

She crossed her waist, sighed, and turned her head to look at the home she remembered.

How many years have I not been home!

Why did Yan Tingxin have any door, go back to see the university campus, travel around the world, but never return home for so long?

The reason is that the home that belongs to her is long gone, and it has long been burned down.

She can't go back!

After the fire at home, my mother lived in a single dormitory in an elementary school for a few years, and later transferred to a school in the city, saving money, relying on the provident fund, which had not been mentioned since the unit began to pay the provident fund, and bought a new small house in the city.

Some time ago, Yan Tingxin couldn't get a whole year's rent for renting a house, because she gave her mother the tens of thousands of yuan she had accumulated since she just joined the job to buy a house.

My father opened a small supermarket in his hometown county, doing business, and the landlord rented out the façade to him, which was very high, and the second floor could be used as a warehouse and a small room to meet the basic accommodation problems.

She knew that her family had an accident that left the family with nothing, so even when she just graduated, she worked very hard, took a basic salary, and saved money, she never opened her mouth to her family once.

Yan Tingxin's fingertips swept over the old desk, TV, refrigerator, and doorknob at home, and then carefully pushed the door with his right hand and entered his room.

Haven't been back for many years.

During this time, she saw the dusk in Phuket, the Eiffel in Paris, and the water city of Venice...... But I have never seen my home from childhood to adulthood.

A neatly folded quilt on a narrow single bed, like most of her classmates, she doesn't like to fold quilts, she must have been made up for her by her mother.

There are stacks of books piled up on the desk, "Five-year College Entrance Examination Three-year Simulation", "Complete Interpretation of Wang Houxiong's Textbook", "High School English Vocabulary Must Memorize 3500 Words High-frequency Disordered Edition", "Composition Materials Must Memorize 50 Articles", ...... As well as all kinds of textbooks, notebooks, and an alarm clock, red pen, blue pen, black pen, highlighter, ruler, compass, eraser, post-it note.

Yan Tingxin sat on the chair, turned on the lamp, and opened a copy of "Five-Year College Entrance Examination and Three-Year Simulation", remembering that it was popular to use different colored pens to take notes when reading.

She made a lot of mistakes, and there were detailed explanations of the mistakes on the post-it notes, but reading was 'Chapter 1, Page 1 Theorem', and the whole book had the most notes except for the first chapter and page 1, and the more you went to the back, the fewer notes there were, and the more you studied, the more you didn't want to learn, and even many questions were not done.

Although it is still the second and third years of high school, their school teachers will teach the knowledge points on the textbook in advance, and almost the entire third year of high school will be used for review.

A college entrance examination tutoring book is the memory of the whole youth.

She didn't know how long she sat at her small table until she heard the door open from the living room outside.

Her ears moved, as if she was afraid of homesickness, and she was afraid of breaking everything, so she sat in the chair and did not dare to move.

As soon as the mother entered the door, she entered the kitchen, and then rushed into the living room very angrily: "I asked you to watch the fire, and asked you to turn off the fire in half an hour, why did you make the pot like this?" ...... Wine! You're secretly drinking again! My

father woke up and was dazed: "I just drank two sips." I haven't drunk in months, business is not good, it's all wine that is not sold in the supermarket. If you don't drink it again, it will expire. It's a pity to lose it. The

mother complained, "Why are you so unreliable? The pots at home are burned, and I look at what my daughter will eat when she comes back. Father

: "Oops! Wok! I forgot. My

father rushed into the kitchen and saw the burned pot, a bone as black as carbon at the bottom of the pot, and the stove was wet. He thought it was a fire that his mother had put out.

The mother began to count: "Your supermarket, the supermarket can't be opened, let you see the fire, you almost set the kitchen on fire...... What exactly can you do? I'm already tired from work, can you please let me have a day where I don't have to worry about anything else. "

It's my fault that the pot burned out. Since you mentioned your work, can you separate work and life, every time you are at home, you have to say......"

They are arguing in the living room all the time.

Listening to their quarrel, Yan Tingxin didn't know what to do for a while, and felt as if he couldn't move his whole body.

She remembered that when she was a child, she would occasionally hear them arguing. She was doing her homework in the house, and they were arguing outside the house. How does a child feel when he hears his parents arguing? Afraid? Saddened? Kick oneself? Lonely? Since then, he has become a man of few words, refusing to communicate and communicate.

Their quarrel was mixed with the words 'divorce' and 'can't get by', and Yan Tingxin suddenly had a conjecture in his heart that the house at home was on fire, which may not be the fuse for the destruction of their marriage.

Her mind was in turmoil, and she suddenly felt that even if she went back in time, she could change the fire, but she couldn't do anything to change the quarrel between her parents.

At this time, through the window, she saw downstairs, carrying a schoolbag from school.

That's the high school student's 'self'.

Therefore, she used any door to travel back to the past, and instead of replacing the original her, two 'selves' appeared in the same time and space!!

Goofs, she can't explain.

The noisy quarrel in the living room made her just want to escape.

The appearance of the 'self' of the high school student downstairs made her panic a little.

Escape and panic, so, at the moment when her 'self' in high school went upstairs, she unscrewed the door of her room and returned to the rental cabin, returning to the timeline before she traveled back.

The parents in the living room, who only saw their daughter's room, were suddenly opened from the inside, and there was a vague shadow, but when they looked at it, there was nothing, thinking that the family had recruited a thief.

"There are thieves!

The moment Yan Tingxin opened the door, she left that time and space, and entered the rental house in a second, leaning back her back and closing the door of the rental house.

Her body was soft, she gasped, and the copy of "Five-Year College Entrance Examination Three-Year Simulation" in her hand fell to the ground.

She had just gone back in time and changed the fire in her home.

She can't wait to confirm whether the current timeline has changed because of the butterfly effect?

Even when she heard their quarrel, she still had a hint of luck in her heart.

she took a few deep breaths, calmed her voice, and called her mother: "Mom."

"What's wrong?

Yan Tingxin deliberated and spoke: "I just ...... Dream to dream...... When I was in high school, there was a fire in my home...... "

Do you dream about the fire in your home again?" Scares you? It's been a few years, and the piece has been built into a new house, don't think about it. "

So...... There was still a fire.

The past has not changed in the slightest.

Something has already happened, even if it is any door, there is nothing to be done.

She's done in vain.

She was overjoyed.

At the beginning of the crossing, how happy. Returning to real life, how lost it is.

But the feeling of going back to the past is so real, has she really not changed the past at all, and has not left any traces of the past?

Yan Tingxin: "Mom, do you remember if there was a thief in my house that day?" "

The moment she left through any door, her mother yelled 'there is a thief' in what she thought was a thief.

"Thief? What thief? When I got home that day, my house was already on fire. Do you mean that a thief entered your house and set it on fire?

Yan Tingxin: "No." "

It seems that not only is she unable to change the past, but what she did in the past, her mother mistook her for a thief, and they won't remember these things.

She left no trace of the past.

Yan Tingxin took a deep breath: "Did you divorce my dad because the house at home was on fire?"

"Is that what your dad told you?"

Yan Tingxin: "No." Did you guys fight a lot when I wasn't out of school in high school?

"You are so old, I didn't tell you back then, because I was afraid that it would affect your studies, and I couldn't wipe my face to tell you. Actually, I couldn't get along with your dad long before the house caught fire. It was just that fire that made me even more desperate. Life is really boring.

Yan Tingxin: "Why? I remember when I was little, you had a good relationship. After a long time, my

mother sighed and said, "Back then, despite your grandmother's opposition, I wanted to marry him, because he was good-looking and coaxing." But when I really got married, I knew that there was a lot of chicken feathers at home. What's the use of just being good-looking and coaxing? He's not reliable at all.

He used to be an elementary school teacher, and he taught at the same school as me for two years, and he hated the dead salary and wanted to open a coffee shop. When you were young, how many cafes could there be in a small county? If you open it, you will pay for it, and few people are used to drinking.

The café closed down, and he wanted to open a bar again. The bar can't do it either.

I suggested that he open a small restaurant, he was tired of washing dishes and cooking. He said that he used to be a teacher and was reluctant to serve customers and wash dishes.

"Later, with the help of your grandmother's Zhang Luo, he opened a small supermarket, and he could barely survive, but he felt that his life was stuck in a small shop, as if he was trapped in the same place.

He is not qualitative in what he does, he is always high-minded and low-minded, and he wants to open a café and a bar, but he can't always run it in a down-to-earth manner.

"I had my last class that afternoon, and I asked him to watch the fire, and he could fall asleep and let the house go on fire.

Nothing is gone.

Half of my life savings were burned to ashes in a day.

"I was really tired at that time.

I'm busy grading job titles, but I'm still missing.

Later, I lived in the bachelor dormitory of our elementary school teachers, and when I saw other young elementary school teachers, they bought things to dress up after they were paid, but after I got married, I never dressed myself. They laughed every night, and I had to deal with chicken feathers.

I don't want to live like this again.

"It's not that I dislike that my family is poor, it's not because of the fire that the family is in debt, and it's not because your father always fails in business that I have the idea of divorce.

"But I have figured out one thing, that

I am not the same as your father, that he is a prodigal son

I look good, I can be fascinated by a face, I wanted to open a café and bar many years ago, I have wild ideas, my mouth is very good at coaxing people, I don't like dead wages, I don't like to be bound, I like to pursue excitement, I have wine today and I am drunk today, I will always float, and I can't get down.

"And I'm an ordinary-looking ordinary person, I just want to live a stable life.

The monthly dead salary only gives me peace of mind.

A fixed job, a fixed schedule, will only make me feel stable.

That is, in the years when I lived in the single dormitory of the primary school, I worked hard every night, prepared my homework, corrected my homework, made teaching results, and was excellent in the assessment every year, and finally transferred from the small county town and started a new life.

...... "

That day, her mother told her a lot.

Talk about her persistence over the years, and talk about the stability in her heart when she arrives every month and receives a fixed salary.

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