Chapter 2

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At this point, they were at each other's throats, standing close to each other and staring into each other's eyes, flames burning deep in them.

But that. That one sentence broke the girl.

It weakened her knees, and she slid to the floor.

"No, no, no. You're lying. BTS exist. We were there. We were going to be there. You're lying. You're lying," the brunette kept repeating like a broken record to the nurse, more like convincing herself, that this was all a lie.

The nurse kneeled down next to her and placed a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her.

"I'm not supposed to do this. None of you are supposed to know about the outside world, but I'll let you have my phone to confirm it."

She took her phone out from her pocket and unlocked it, and the girl snatched it from her hand to prove to the nurse that she was wrong.

She was wrong. She was so wrong. She was trying to keep them here. She's lying.

What? Where is BTS? Why is there nothing on the Internet? Why is there no news about them?


It can't be real.

The brunette kept scrolling, hoping to find at least one piece of news that tells anything about BTS.

And she saw it.

"Look, look at the screen. There it is. About BTS. Read it properly," the girl shoved the phone to the nurse's face to show her BTS is real.

She took the phone from the girl's hand and looked at it, eyebrows furrowed in confusion, while the girl's face was filled with joy.

"There is no news about BTS, my dear. This is the news about all of you."

She took the phone back from the nurse's hand and looked at it.

She was right.

It was about them. About the people who called themselves A.R.M.Y. About them hallucinating about BTS. About them trying to convince that BTS is real.

But nothing about BTS. Nothing about the seven boys that changed their lives. Nothing about the awards they received or the shows they performed.


And that was what the brunette felt.


She was just, there. Existing. With no emotions.

The nurse took her phone, patted the girl's back, and left the room, leaving her to contemplate.

The girl felt her heart sink to her stomach. She couldn't breathe. Her face felt hot. She felt her face getting wet. She was crying. She felt her heart being ripped to pieces. She felt her body giving up. She was angry, frustrated, disappointed, and so many emotions she couldn't quite place.

And then she burst out.

The brunette wailed, cried, screamed, and kept scratching her chest to ease the pain she was feeling. But nothing felt more painful than this. Even being burnt alive would feel less painful than this.

She didn't know how long she cried, but when her tears ran dry, she saw there was no light in her room.

It was night.

Just then, someone knocked on the door and opened it. It was the nurse from before. She looked at the girl with something like a sign of pity and told her to get dinner.

She didn't respond. She couldn't. She was still hurt. But she picked herself up and followed her, and then ended up in a hall, ten times bigger than her room, and saw many girls lining up with plates in their hands while the staff put in food for them.

They all looked like her. Dull. Lifeless. Destroyed. All in hospital gowns. She walked forward and took a plate from one of the staff, and another gave her cutlery.

She stared at the knife in her hand.

It was just a normal butter knife. But if she gave it a little push, it would work.

She wasn't going to live. Not after this.

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