ILAND 2 FINALE - izna debut

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Let's get into it!

I feel really happy about the lineup. I'm glad that two Japanese members are in it & the Tall Line is together. But I'm super bummed that Fuko is out of it...

..that's my only disappointment. It reminds me of the shock when Jiwoo didn't debut in ILLIT. But anyway, everything happens when it's supposed to. Fuko and the remaining contestants show lots of potential - so I know they'll debut in the right group in the right company when it's their time.


Should we break down a few more opinions? Like the group name lol... super weird. Doesn't roll off the tongue. But not suprised.


I saw that some fans already guessed there would be 7 members instead of 6, but I think this was a great plot twist for the show! It made it more exciting!


Super proud of Jeemin's journey. I think she brought her A game in part two and I'm excited to watch her KPOP journey. Fingers crossed that she crosses paths with ILLIT & can see some old buddies.


They were both the producer picks & I respect the company's choice as they've shown hip/cool sides of themselves that fits Black Label's image. (I'm thinking thats why Fuko wasn't picked despite her vocal ability.) / Saebi connects with her audience really well so I'm happy for her. Mai has a great character and head on her shoulders; I'm sure whatever she's faced with she'll overcome. Hoping to see more vocal improvement from her.


She was among my favorites since episode one and I'm super proud of her!! She connects with the audience really well, sings great, performs great! Luv her! I was a bit concerned she wouldn't get votes because she's so hard on herself & I was afraid debuting would give her too much anxiety. But I'm happy!!!


This was no surprise. Although they weren't my faves, I think they'd be a good fit for this group and their vocals are great.


Super happy with almost tears in my eyes watching her speech and watching her mom in the audience. She was such a powerhouse especially in part two & I'm excited to watch her growth in KPOP.


Last thoughts: This was a rollercoaster experience watching this show and I feel so happy! Despite mnet edits and awkward tension between the girls, ILAND 2 was a success.

The girls who didn't debut... this is a list of those who I hope to see on Girls Planet 999 or Produce 101 or another show in the future: Fuko, Juwon, Yui, NingNing, & Yuju. 😁

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