Eight // New Friends

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Chapter: Eight // New Friends

The note.

They found another note.


"What does it say?" Luke asked, looking over Michael at the note.

I'm suprised you got this far. Hell, im suprised you even cared. Bet you're wondering why this note is here. Oh look, the book is called, Habits. Something you have. Do you see what I'm saying? And the note? It was between two pages, just like how you said that Alexandra was between you and your habits. Now, everyone has habits. You? You have a lot. Drugs, sex, parties, hell you barely remember Alexandra. If you truly cared about Alexandra, why did you let her die? Why didn't you protect her? Why? Have fun Michael, hope you have a blast finding the next letter! Oh, and say hi to Luke for me, will ya? Haven't seen him in a while. Goodbye.

Michael froze. Luke could see the fear in his eyes but then turned around when he felt an arm on his shoulder.

"Hey dorks," the girl said, sitting down next to Luke.

"Um do I know you?" Luke asked, trying hard not to stare at her too long. She had jet black hair and brown eyes. Her outfit was casual. A black skater skirt, a band tee, and a flower crown. Pretty Tumblr, am I right?

"Nope. I don't know you guys either, but you guys seem like you need friends so-"

"We don't need any more friends." Michael interrupted. Luke and Lupe stared at Michael, and Lupe started to stand up.

Luke grabbed her wrist and mentioned for her to sit back down.

"I'm sorry about Michael, his uh ex girlfriend, died." Luke said as Michael flinched.

"Shut up, Luke." Michael's fist clenched. Luke flinched.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry, Mi-"

"I don't need a fucking pity party!" Michael stood up and left.

As he left and ran to his house, Luke stayed with Lupe at the library.

"So, your name's Luke?" Lupe asked out of nowhere.

"Yeah, it's short for Lu-"

"-Lucifer?" Another girl asked out of nowhere. She sat across Luke and Lupe, where Michael sat.

"Dani, what are you doing here? Libraries aren't your thing." Lupe said.

"Ashton left me here." Was all the brown haired girl said. Her hair matched her eyes, but her eyes were a little darker. She was wearing a band tee, similar to Lupe's but instead she was wearing skinny jeans.

"Oh. He better stop being a jerk or I'll kick his ass." Lupe said, as Luke grinned.

"You're a tough one aren't ya." Luke said. "My name's Luke, and as I tried to say I while ago, it's short for Lucas, not Lucifer." He glared at Dani.

"Sorry, Lucas." Dani grinned at Luke. "I'm Danielle, but people call me Dani for short."

"It's nice meeting you, Lupe and Dani." Luke said as he put the note away quickly before anyone noticed.

"Hey why don't we all get ice cream? It's a hot day, and I'm bored." Lupe asked out of nowhere.

"Yeah sure, let me call Michael first." Luke said as he took out his phone and called Michael.

"Who's Michael?" Dani asked.

"Michael's Luke's friend who's girfriend died." Lupe explained. "That's all I know, nothing else. He ran off cuz I made him mad."

"Lupe! Why did you do that?! His girlfriend died."

"Well sorry."

"Hey I'm back. Michael's at his house probably sulking so yeah. You guys ready?" Luke asked.

"Yeah let's go!" Lupe exclaimed as she ran out of the library.

"Hey wait up loser!" Dani shouted as she and Luke ran after Lupe.


At the ice cream shop, Luke, Lupe, and Dani ordered their ice cream cones. Cookies and Cream for luke and Lupe, and Mint Chocolate Chip for Dani. Also Chocolate ice cream for Michael.

"Let's go to Michael's house, that's where I'm staying for now."

"Ok, I just met you, but ok." Dani said. As they walked to Michael's house.


By the time they got to Michael's house, they finished their cones and Michael's ice cream melted already.

They rang the doorbell multiple times with no answer. They heard smashing and screaming from upstairs.

Then Luke remembered that Michael kept a spare key under flower pot by the door. So he got the key, opened to key, and let Lupe and Dani inside.

Luke, Lupe, and Dani all flinched as they heard a loud crah from upstairs.


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