Chapter 1: A Hard Day's Night

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Will Solace stepped through the glass doors of Seattle Grace Hospital, the antiseptic air hitting him with a familiar tang. The bustling atmosphere of the hospital was a stark contrast to the silence that had enveloped his life after the war with Gaia. His transfer here was Apollo's doing—an attempt to provide his son with a fresh start. As he walked through the corridor, Will couldn't help but reflect on the past year. The Seven had faced unimaginable horrors, losing so many along the way. Leo had sought solace in Greece (see what i did there, solace, hahaha, ok im sorry ill stop), Percy had gone to Rome, and Nico... Nico's absence was a gaping wound. 

"Dr. Solace, I presume?" A voice jolted him from his reverie. He turned to see a woman in her early thirties, her sharp gaze assessing him. "I'm Dr. Miranda Bailey. Dr. Webber asked me to show you around. Welcome to Seattle Grace."

"Thank you, Dr. Bailey. It's an honor to be here," Will replied, extending a hand. Bailey's handshake was firm, her demeanor no-nonsense.

They walked through the bustling halls, Bailey giving him a crash course on the hospital's culture and expectations. "This is the interns' locker room. You'll be working with them closely. They're green, but they've got potential. Make sure they don't kill anyone."

Will nodded. "I'll do my best."

Inside the locker room, young, eager faces looked up as they entered. Will gazed at his future colleagues—Meredith Grey, Cristina Yang, Izzie Stevens, George O'Malley, and Alex Karev. They were the future of medicine, just as he was.

"Everyone, this is Dr. Will Solace, our new third-year resident. He'll be overseeing your rounds and helping out with surgeries. Treat him with the respect he's earned," Bailey announced before leaving.

The interns mumbled their greetings, curiosity and wariness flickering in their eyes. Will offered a warm smile, hoping to ease their nerves. "Hi, everyone. I'm looking forward to working with you. Let's make sure we all learn a lot and, more importantly, keep our patients safe."

"Alright, interns," Bailey called out as she re-entered the room, clipboard in hand. "It's a new day, and that means a new opportunity to prove yourselves. Dr. Solace will be leading you on rounds today. Pay attention, follow his instructions, and don't mess up."

As they began their rounds, Will quickly assessed the strengths and weaknesses of each intern. Meredith Grey had a quiet resilience and an intuitive approach to patient care. Cristina Yang's ambition and relentless drive were immediately apparent. Izzie Stevens' compassion shone through in her interactions with patients. George O'Malley's earnestness was evident, though he seemed a bit overwhelmed. Alex Karev, with his brash exterior, showed surprising depth when it came to patient care.

Their first patient was Mrs. Patterson, a middle-aged woman with severe abdominal pain. Will handed the chart to Meredith. "Grey, what do you think?"

Meredith reviewed the chart quickly. "Possible appendicitis, but we should rule out other causes like diverticulitis or an ovarian cyst."

Will nodded, impressed. "Good. Order a CT scan and blood work. Let's confirm the diagnosis before proceeding."

Next was Mr. Jenkins, an elderly man with shortness of breath. "Yang, what's your assessment?"

Cristina stepped forward confidently. "He's showing signs of congestive heart failure. We should get an echocardiogram and start him on diuretics to reduce fluid buildup."

"Excellent," Will replied. "Order the echo and monitor his vitals closely."

As they moved through the rounds, Will continued to test and challenge the interns, pushing them to think critically and act decisively. The pace was relentless, but it was clear that each intern was rising to the occasion, determined to prove their worth.

Midway through the morning, a code blue was called on the surgical floor. Without hesitation, Will and the interns rushed to the scene. A patient in post-op was crashing, his heart rate plummeting.

"Stevens, start compressions!" Will barked, his voice steady despite the urgency. "O'Malley, grab the crash cart and prepare to intubate."

Izzie began chest compressions, her face set in grim determination, while George fumbled with the crash cart, nerves making his hands shake.

"Focus, O'Malley. You've got this," Will said, his tone firm but encouraging.

With practiced efficiency, Will and the interns worked together to stabilize the patient. The adrenaline was palpable, each second stretching into an eternity. Finally, the patient's heart rate steadied, and Will let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding.

"Good job, everyone," he said, his voice carrying a note of pride. "That's what it means to be a team."

As the day progressed, Will found himself slipping into a rhythm. The demands of the hospital, the constant flow of patients, and the need to mentor the interns provided a sense of purpose that had been missing from his life. He could feel the weight of his past lifting, replaced by the challenges and responsibilities of his new role.

During a brief lull in the afternoon, Will took a moment to gather his thoughts. He found himself in the hospital chapel, a quiet place of reflection. The memories of his fallen friends and Nico's absence were ever-present, but here, amidst the chaos of Seattle Grace, he felt a glimmer of hope.

"You're doing well, Solace," a voice interrupted his thoughts. He turned to see Dr. Richard Webber, the Chief of Surgery, standing in the doorway.

"Thank you, Dr. Webber. I'm grateful for the opportunity," Will replied, standing up to face the Chief.

Webber nodded, his expression thoughtful. "I've seen many residents come through these halls, and you have something special. Keep pushing yourself, and you'll do great things here."

Will felt a surge of determination. "I will, sir. I won't let you down."

That evening, as the interns gathered in the lounge, exhaustion etched on their faces, Will addressed them with a mix of sternness and support. "You all did good work today. Remember, every decision you make can mean the difference between life and death. Keep learning, keep improving, and always support each other."

As the interns began to relax, Meredith approached him. "Dr. Solace, can I ask you something?"

"Of course, Meredith. What's on your mind?" Will replied, sensing the hesitation in her voice.

"It's just... I was wondering how you handle the pressure. The constant life-and-death situations, the responsibility. How do you cope?"

Will considered her question carefully. "It's not easy, and it never will be. But you have to remember why you're here. Each patient is a person, with hopes and dreams, just like you. Focus on doing your best for them, and take things one step at a time. And don't be afraid to lean on your colleagues. We're all in this together."

Meredith nodded, absorbing his words. "Thank you, Dr. Solace."

As the night drew to a close, Will found himself reflecting on the day's events. The interns had shown promise, and he felt a renewed sense of purpose in guiding them. Seattle Grace was more than just a place to work—it was becoming a home, a place where he could heal and find strength.

With each new day, Will Solace continued to forge his path. The future was uncertain, but here, in the heart of Seattle Grace, he found strength and purpose. And sometimes, that was all he needed to keep going.


That's chapter 1, hope you enjoyed it, I didn't really know how to start this, so i just winged it mostly.

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