Chapter 2: The First Cut Is the Deepest

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Will Solace woke up to the sound of his alarm blaring, his body protesting against the few hours of sleep he'd managed to get. He rolled out of bed, the ache in his muscles a reminder of the grueling first day at Seattle Grace. After a quick shower and a cup of coffee, he was out the door and heading back to the hospital.

The familiar sights and sounds of the hospital greeted him as he walked through the doors. He was greeted by Miranda Bailey in the hallway. "Morning, Solace. Ready for another day of organized chaos?"

Will smiled, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Always ready, Dr. Bailey."

They walked together to the surgical board. Bailey handed him a clipboard with the day's schedule. "You'll be scrubbing in with Dr. Burke today. He's got a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) scheduled. Should be a good opportunity to show off your skills."

Will nodded, grateful for the chance to work with one of the top cardiothoracic surgeons. "I'll be ready."

As they approached the OR, Bailey turned to him. "Remember, Burke is meticulous. He expects perfection."

"I understand," Will replied, mentally preparing himself for the task ahead.

Inside the OR, Dr. Preston Burke was already scrubbed in, reviewing the patient's chart. He glanced up as Will entered. "Dr. Solace, I presume. Ready to get started?"

"Yes, Dr. Burke. Thank you for the opportunity," Will said, his voice steady.

The surgery was intense. Will assisted Dr. Burke with precision, his hands steady and his focus unyielding. The patient's chest was opened, exposing the heart. Burke guided Will through the delicate process of grafting the coronary artery, their movements synchronized.

"Good work, Solace," Burke said, his tone professional but approving. "You've got a steady hand."

"Thank you, Dr. Burke. I've had good mentors," Will replied, thinking of his father and the many surgeries he'd assisted in before coming to Seattle Grace.

After the surgery, Will joined the interns for rounds. Their first patient was Mrs. Patterson, whose CT scan had confirmed appendicitis. Meredith Grey was already there, reviewing the chart.

"Grey, what's the plan?" Will asked, testing her knowledge.

"Her appendix is inflamed and needs to be removed before it ruptures. We should schedule her for an appendectomy as soon as possible," Meredith replied confidently.

"Correct. Schedule the surgery and prep the OR," Will instructed, feeling a sense of pride in Meredith's growth.

Next, they visited Mr. Jenkins, who had been diagnosed with congestive heart failure. Cristina Yang had ordered an echocardiogram, which confirmed fluid buildup around the heart.

"Yang, what's our next step?" Will inquired.

"We need to start him on diuretics to reduce the fluid and monitor his heart function closely. If his condition doesn't improve, we may need to consider a more invasive procedure," Cristina replied, her voice steady.

"Excellent. Administer the diuretics and keep a close eye on his vitals. Good work, Yang," Will said, noting her relentless drive and precision.

As the day progressed, Will continued to challenge the interns, pushing them to think critically and act decisively. During lunch, he found himself sitting with George O'Malley, who looked particularly worn out.

"How are you holding up, O'Malley?" Will asked, sensing the intern's struggle.

"It's... a lot to take in. I don't want to mess up," George admitted, his voice tinged with anxiety.

"You're doing fine, George. The key is to stay focused and not let the pressure get to you. We all make mistakes, but what matters is how we learn from them," Will advised, hoping to ease the young intern's nerves.

Later that afternoon, a code blue was called in the ICU. Will and the interns rushed to the scene. A patient in post-op had gone into cardiac arrest.

"Izzie, start compressions! George, get the crash cart and prepare to intubate!" Will commanded, his voice cutting through the chaos.

Izzie began chest compressions, her face set in grim determination. George fumbled with the crash cart, nerves making his hands shake.

"Focus, O'Malley. You've got this," Will said, his tone firm but encouraging.

With practiced efficiency, Will and the interns worked together to stabilize the patient. The adrenaline was palpable, each second stretching into an eternity. Finally, the patient's heart rate steadied, and Will let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding.

"Good job, everyone," he said, his voice carrying a note of pride. "That's what it means to be a team."

After the chaos had subsided, Will found a moment to reflect in the hospital chapel. The memories of his fallen friends and Nico's absence were ever-present, but here, amidst the chaos of Seattle Grace, he felt a glimmer of hope. The day had been a test of his skills and resilience, and he had proven himself capable.

"You're doing well, Solace," a voice interrupted his thoughts. He turned to see Dr. Richard Webber, the Chief of Surgery, standing in the doorway.

"Thank you, Dr. Webber. I'm grateful for the opportunity," Will replied, standing up to face the Chief.

Webber nodded, his expression thoughtful. "I've seen many residents come through these halls, and you have something special. Keep pushing yourself, and you'll do great things here."

Will felt a surge of determination. "I will, sir. I won't let you down."

That evening, as the interns gathered in the lounge, exhaustion etched on their faces, Will addressed them with a mix of sternness and support. "You all did good work today. Remember, every decision you make can mean the difference between life and death. Keep learning, keep improving, and always support each other."

As the interns began to relax, Meredith approached him. "Dr. Solace, can I ask you something?"

"Of course, Meredith. What's on your mind?" Will replied, sensing the hesitation in her voice.

"It's just... I was wondering how you handle the pressure. The constant life-and-death situations, the responsibility. How do you cope?"

Will considered her question carefully. "It's not easy, and it never will be. But you have to remember why you're here. Each patient is a person, with hopes and dreams, just like you. Focus on doing your best for them, and take things one step at a time. And don't be afraid to lean on your colleagues. We're all in this together."

Meredith nodded, absorbing his words. "Thank you, Dr. Solace."

As the night drew to a close, Will found himself reflecting on the day's events. The interns had shown promise, and he felt a renewed sense of purpose in guiding them. Seattle Grace was more than just a place to work—it was becoming a home, a place where he could heal and find strength.

With each new day, Will Solace continued to forge his path. The future was uncertain, but here, in the heart of Seattle Grace, he found strength and purpose. And sometimes, that was all he needed to keep going.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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