London was buzzing with Christmas spirit. The actual day itself was only 10 days away, and I could barely contain my excitment. Niall and me had been keeping in contact ever since the.. incedent. We'd been on a few dates too. Within the month since I first met him, so far so good.
* * *
Niall texted me that I should meet the boys cause they all want to meet me again, properly. I agreed to go and asked if Rosey could tag along, he said yes, of course! We were meeting them in their hotel room later to just piss about. Me and Rosey began getting ready and went down to their room.
"Room 207 right?" Rosey asked looking at me lazily. She wasn't too bothered about One Direction. I mean she liked them enough, but she's not downright crazy about them either.
"Yes room 207, don't be nervous!" I said,trying to comfort her.
"I'm not nervous, its only One Direction, why would I be?"
"Okay okay" I raised my hands in defeat before knocking on the door, which was soon answered by Liam.
"Hi" He smiled. Me and Rosey waved in response. "NIALL, ALLYS HERE!" Liam shouted. I giggled as Niall rushed to the door. Niall shared a hotel room with Liam and I'm guessing other boys are coming down soon.I'm just glad that Liam wasn't there the other night. THAT would've been awwkkkwaaardd.
We went inside and sat down and just messed about for a bit until the other boys came. You know, the usual craic.
"ALLYYYY!" Louis yelled happily.
"Hey guys" I smiled, well it looks like their pleased to see me. Well Louis anyway.
"Hiya" Zayn nodded
"Hey" Harry waved, his gaze fixed on something beside me. The door? The wall? Rosey? I dont really know..
"So this is Rose, or Rosey rather, my best friend. Rosey, this is One Direction. Rosey say Hi!" I think we can all say that that was a very awkward introduction.
"Well hello?" She put it in the form of a question. Um okay. The boys introduced themselves (apart from Niall, she already knew him) before we all started small conversations with eachother.
"So, Ally, I hear you and Niall 'got it on' the other night?" Louis said giving me a playful wink. I giggled as my cheeks probably turned bright red.
"Louis! How rude the question is, did they use protection?" Harry commented causing the other boys and me to laugh. Not Rosey though.
"So Rosey, your Ally's friend?" Harry began not knowing what to say next.
Rosey's POV
Omg this is actually brilliant, never really realised how funny One Direction are. Now I see what Ally's been going on about. Gosh why am i talking to myself. ew. thats weird. Anyways, yeah their decent lads. Apart from Harry.
I mean hes just so damn cocky! Ugh. Trying to get my attention, staring at me like I'm a shiny new toy. I suppose he's usually like this with the girls he meets. And they all but faint when they talk to him. But not me, nah he's going to have to try a bit harder than that. Wait, doesn't he have a girlfriend? Taylor Swift, thats right.
"So Rosey, your Allys friends?" Harry asked.
"No I'm a Mexican guy who likes Ally's bum so I follow her, what do you think? Oh and don't call me Rosey," I snapped, going back to my interupted conversation with Zayn. Louis snickered at my reply. I like Louis.
"Sorry jeez," God, do I hate his attitude.
"So what should we do guys?" Liam asked trying to avoid the awkwardness.
"Umm there's a Christmas party tonight in the hotel, we can go to that?" Zayn suggested. A Christmas party on December 15th.. Ah I guess its not that early. Its only 10 days till its actually Christmas! We all agreed to go to that and meet up at the boys hotel room again at 8:00 pm. In the meantime me and Ally headed back up to our room, I couldn't stand to be in the same room as that idiot and Ally knew I wasn't happy.
"What is wrong with you?!" Ally hissed as we walked back into our room.
"Why, whatever do you mean?"
"I mean why were you so grumpy with Harry when all he was trying to do was be social?! You could have at least tried to be civil, or behave youself"
"I don't like him. I mean why's he trying to flirt? He has a girlfriend" I mumbled. Sigh, Its not that hard to understand, and obviously not that hard to notice. "And behave myself? Nice try hunny, I'm not 5"
"But why?!"
"He seems like a bad guy, all cocky and secretive" I shrugged, wandering into the en-suite. "Do I have to like every person I meet?"
"How the hell is he secretive?! Besides, that doesn't give you a reason to be all rude with him there's clearly something more to it. Why?" She questioned again.
Some people.

Daydreamer. (A Niall Horan fanfiction)
FanfictionMeet Ally and Rosey. Just two normal girls from a little town in Ireland? Not anymore. With Ally being a Rising Pop star, and Rosey being her crazy bestfriend, life at the moment is treating the girls pretty well. And as you can imagine, when One D...