We left the roof a short while later going to check on the rest of the boys and Rosey or at least trying to find them. First we checked Zayns room because he wasn't with anyone else and thats all I really remember from last night. Sadly he wasn't there but a very hungover looking Louis was.
"Did they find they Ken doll yet?" He asked me half asleep, as I walked over to him.
"Louis I don't know what your on about!" I giggled helping him up on to his bed. Once we were sure he was okay on his own we headed to Liam and Niall's room just down the hall. The good little boy Liam was he was tucked away safe.. on the floor? But he still had his cowboy hat.. We left him there safe and sound with a glass of milk and a cookie since he was so good.
Wow I feel like a parent, or a babysitter at least. When we checked Louis' room in hope that Zayn might be there, he wasn't there. No one was; so we called his phone.
"Hello?" A very tired Zayn groaned.
"Zayn it's Ally and Niall. Where are you?"
"I don't know man, I'm locked in a dark room, and I'm scared of the dark!" He whimpered in to the phone.
"Do you have any clue where you are buddy?" Niall asked.
"It's dark Niall.. THATS ALL I FUCKING KNOW!" He said. He sounded really scared and anxious to get out.
"Zayn Scream just scream and keep screaming untill we find you! Ok?" I said rushing out of the room and abruptly ending the call.
"Jesus, You really think a 19 year old smart boy would be able to take better care of himself, wouldnt you?" Niall half laughed, half rolled his eyes in dismay.
"Oh shush, he was drunk its not his fault" I told him whilst practically running down a flight of stairs
"Last time we saw him was the elevator last night" He noted.
"Yeah but he went back once we saw him, didnt he?"
"Acctually now you say that, he did yeah. Is it worth checking the bar?" Niall asked.
"Okay, what floors that on?" I bit my lip, it helped me think.
"Uhhh, next one down.. maybe I dunno" He shrugged his shoulders
"Helpful much." I muttered
"Oh be quiet, this is as helpful as I can get with a hangover"
"Dont mention that word" I groaned, The pounding headache coming back to me. Rubbing my temples, I carried on down the next flight of stairs.
"Ugh Ally can we stop, my legs hurt and my stomach kills" Niall pouted, literally stopping dead on the stairs and almost falling over
"Jesus Niall, um okay. Uhh sit on your bum and slide down" Suprisingly, he did as i suggested and bum shuffled down the remaining stairs. I stiffled a laugh as he tried to get up, but the laughing noise and motion hurt my head.
"We told him to scream right?" Niall asked
"Yeah, how loud can he shout?"
"Pretty loud, but i doubt he has much voice left at the moment"
"Great, just freaking great" I muttered. I felt like I could just burst into tears right now, I felt that shit, I'm never drinking that much again.
Screw that, I never want to DRINK again.
"Ally stop, can you hear that?" Niall put his hands on my shoulders, putting me to a stop.
Whipering, Crying, Moaning.
"Zayn." We both said at the same time.
"ZAYN MATE ITS US" Niall yelled, possibly splitting my head in two. Ow.
We ran down the hall and pounded on the door, pushing against it. It swang open causing yet ANOTHER LOUD NOISE.
"THANK GOD" Zayn sighed, all but sprinting out of the dark bar.
"I COULD KISS YOU BOTH RIGHT NOW" He panted, doubling over and putting his hands on his knee's "THANK YOU I WAS ABOUT TO DIE IN THERE"
"Urm please dont buddy, But its okay" Niall patted him on the back.
"Lets go, i think we all need sleep and asprin" I smiled weakly, dreading the next few hours to come.

Daydreamer. (A Niall Horan fanfiction)
FanfictionMeet Ally and Rosey. Just two normal girls from a little town in Ireland? Not anymore. With Ally being a Rising Pop star, and Rosey being her crazy bestfriend, life at the moment is treating the girls pretty well. And as you can imagine, when One D...