*Rosey's POV*
"Rosey, wake up its almost seven" Jacob stuck his head round the doorframe, in an attempt to get me out of bed. Silly boy. Its a monday, who does he think he is, trying to get me to go to school after a two week holiday. You think he would've learned by now.
"Go away" I groaned, rolling over so I was drowning in pillow.
"Fine, Your call, but Rae's gonna eat your toast" I heard him bound down the hallway and down the stairs. Ugh. Somehow I managed to roll out of bed, and consequently onto the floor. Ouch. Getting up and mentally thanking myself that I remembered to unpack everything and put it in its rightful place, I grabbed a brush and untangled the many knots in my hair. Because buns and ponytails are to boring, I decided to waste 15 minutes and french braid it. Glancing over at the clock and cursing under my breath, I threw on my uniform, grabbed my bag and ran downstairs.
"Morning" He nodded from his seat at the table, his eyes glued to the news on TV.
"Hey Dad" I breathed, grabbing a piece of bread from the side and running into the downstairs bathroom. I squeezed like half the tube of toothpaste on my brush and shoved in my mouth. Shuddering from the huge amount of fiery taste, I stood there for 2 minutes before spitting minty foam all over the sink. Still holding my bread, I sprayed some mango body spray thing infront of me and ran though it. At least I smell nice.
"Rosey can you do my hair like yours?" Lily squealed as unlocked the front door.
"Sorry hun, I gotta go,maybe later. Love you guys" I yelled as stuffed the bread in my mouth.
"Love you too" They chorused as I slammed the door shut and sprinted to the bus stop.
Don't worry, just a typical monday morning.
* * *
"So then I poured the smoothie onto his-"
"Miss Forde, if you could please keep the events of your social life out of my classroom, it would be appreciated" Miss Macdonald snapped, stopping Caitlin in the middle of her sentence. She blushed and looked down into her open book. Oh how I hate double maths. Ugh; revision. To be honest I was just doodling on the corner of the pages of my paper, but what Miss Macdonald doesn't know won't hurt her. With 20 minutes left, there was nothing left to do but twitter. Rebel, I know.
"You realise your making it plain obvious that your on your phone right?" Maeve whispered, not making eye contact as Miss was sweeping through the tables around us.
"What are you on about? I'm getting a pencil" I mumbled, hastily locking my phone and dropping it so it fell to the pit of my bag. Knowing that I didn't actually have a pencil in my bag, I lowered my head onto the desk and half shut my eyes. Who needs revision on the first day back anyway. Exams are in- what? Two months? Plenty of time.
"Rosalina Tanner" Miss barked from the front of the room "This is not a place to catch up on your sleep"
"I'm not catching up, just getting a headstart for later. Planning to do an all nighter" I muttered bitterly, copying down what she just wrote on the board.
"What was that? A little louder, if you please"
"I said, that I am not catching up on my sleep, Miss, I'm simply getting a headstart for later" I raised my voice, loud enough for her shrivelled old bat ears to hear. A few people sniggered, others remained silent, in fear of her reaction. I'm not afraid of that old witch. Don't see why I should be. Her slack mouth hung open, and shut almost at once.
"Detention! How dare you adress a teac-" The bell rang, loud and shrill as ever, and I smirked, cramming my book into my overstuffed bag. Flouncing out of the classroom, I gave her a sweet smile that she really didn't deserve. I'm too kind.
* * *
"Ally's POV"
"Honestly Rosey, detention on the first day back, in the first lesson? Something else you are" I laughed as she recounted their first day back over skype.
"Not my fault that the old cow's so rude" She shrugged and continued to straighten her wildly curly hair.
"So where are you guy's going tonight anyway?" I asked, changing the subject.
"Bridie's 21st. Aisling's was allowed to invite a few people" Bridie is Aisling's big sister, for your information. We've known her almost as long as we've known Aisling, and if it wasn't for the age difference I swear they could be twins. And I think she went out with my brother before.. Awkward.
"Where's the party?" I asked, finishing a hot chocolate and absentmindedly flicking through the TV channels.
"Dunno, they rented out like a hotel function room or something. But I've gotta leave in 10 minutes, so i'l talk to you when i get back, luff ya"
"Luff you too, have fun" I smiled, ending the call. Slumping down further into the sofa, I checked my phone for messages.
Recived from 'Niall<3' at 7:03pm:
'Just a reminder, rehearsals start at half nine tomorrow ! Don't be late ! x'
YAYAYAYAY, so of course I excitedly replied.
Sent to 'Niall<3' at 7:14pm:
'Of course I won't, I can't wait!'
Recived from 'Niall<3' at 7:19pm:
'See you then :) make sure to get a good nights sleep okay? x'
Sent to 'Niall <3' at 7:20pm:
'Sure thing(: x'
Considering in the last 2 days i'd only gotten 6 hours of sleep i'd need to get a good nights rest. I made some tea before laying on the bed and flicking through yet more channels, resulting in falling asleep on the sofa an hour later.

Daydreamer. (A Niall Horan fanfiction)
FanfictionMeet Ally and Rosey. Just two normal girls from a little town in Ireland? Not anymore. With Ally being a Rising Pop star, and Rosey being her crazy bestfriend, life at the moment is treating the girls pretty well. And as you can imagine, when One D...