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November 2011

I knew what was about to come. I gave a bad performance last night and I was going home.

"Cheer up hun, hope for the best!" Tulisa encouraged, walking into my dressing room.

"I'm going home, I know it." I sighed

"We don't know who's going home, it's all in the hands of the public," Jade told me, sitting down on my right. We were all sat in my dressing room, having a right laugh until it sunk in that I probably won't see these girls again that often if i'm out of the competition. 

"Ya, and the public really like you!" Leigh-Anne continued sitting to my left and snapping me back to reality.

"It wasn't your best but you have come to far to bring yourself down now so just smile! Show it to the world!" Tulisa said

"I know, I know"

'Come on it's show time' She said practically pushing me out of my dressing room. She went to the judges chairs and I went backstage to wait for my cue.

"You ready?" Lucas, another contestant asked.

"Ready to go home? No!" I said, holding back my tears.

"Your not going home" He said patting me on the back.

"5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. go" The sound guy mouthed soundlessly. I got to start the song this week, so when i got the signal, I walked out starting my solo of 'Hollywood' by Micheal Buble. The songs at the begining of the show are great, because everyones all together. But before I knew it the song was over and we had to go back to our dressing rooms.

"Your solo was pure perfection! Wish I had an amazing voice like yours" Rosey -my bestest best friend for life- gushed, attacking me with hugs.

"I just wish I had preformed that well last night"' I sighed.

"Don't worry your little head!" Tulisa said pulling me in for a hug too.

"I just don't want to let you down! You'll be out of the competition" I squeaked, almost breaking down crying.

"I don't care! You had a rough week but you still did well, this is not the end of you Ally! And when your world famous, you gotta come back and thank me" She winked. I was sorta sniffling now.

"I have to go, advert breaks over. Don't worry" She said giving me one last hug and walking out of my room.

"Who's performing tonight?" Rosey asked, flicking through a magazine.

"Like you don't know" I scoffed

"I really don't know Ally, just tell me" She groaned.

"Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift" I said fixing my hair

"Hold up, TAYLOR? ED?!"

"Yes..." You see, She's sort of.. How should I put it? FREAKING OBSESSED with Ed Sheeran.

"ED! ED! ED! EDWARD CHRISTIAN SHEERAN I LOVE YOU!" She screamed hopping up and down on the couch. She knows he can't hear her, right?

"Hes backstage now. If your lucky you'll find him before he performs"

"OMFG BYE!" She screamed running out of my room. "Out of my way, I have to get my body signed by a hot celebrity" Rosey pushed passed someone who just happened to be walking through the door. Lucas.

"Hey" He smiled as he walked in, narrowly missing Rosey's spastic waving arms.

"Heya" I replied. He's a contestant too, and were on a friendly basis, we've got on since bootcamp "What ya got there?" I continued, looking at the item he was attempting to hold behind his back. He held up a magazine; with us on the cover. Laughing our heads off, it was taken last week. I think we went down to the shops or something, can't remember really.

"Were not going out!" I groaned.

"I know. I guess they just think were a good couple" He said, smirking slightly.

"Shut up!" I told him, face palming myself

"They're just surprised a beautiful girl like you is single!" He whispered, taking one step closer to me. He was right in my face his gorgeous brown eyes staring straight at me. I didn't know what to do, so I just stayed totally silent. Then suddenly his lips were pressed up against mine. I was so shocked and had all these thoughts running through my head like:

I thought we were just friends?! Well obviously he wants to be MORE than friends..

What happens if we both stay in the competition?

Will the press find out?

Does that mean he.. likes me?

"ALLY! ALL- Oh sorry for interrupting? " Rosey said. I quickly pulled away from him, still in shock but, Lucus was grinning

"Well I better get going!" He said quickly leaving my dressing room, giving me a wave.

"You never told me you had a thing with Lucas! Now spill Missy, I wanna know everything" Rosey beamed, closing my door. Then she raised an eyebrow, apparently at her own words "But damn, he's fit. Nice choice"

"I don't even know!" I said, absolutely stunned. "Oh shutup, you have Finn!"

"Eh, so I can't comment about cute British guys in a singing competition once in a while? Anyway, so you don't know if you have a thing with him?" She seemed sorta confused. Well that makes two of us.

"NO! I do not have a thing with him. Urgh" She realised that I was telling the truth because I was able to look her straight in the eyes and say it. I can't lie to Rosey. I just can't. In fact, I'm not a very good liar to be honest. "Can we change the subject?" I asked hopefully.

"WELL I GOT EDS AUTOGRAPH!" She exclaimed, absolutely ecstatic. "WE TOOK A PICTURE TOGETHER, HE SIGNED MY FOREHEAD AND A PICTURE OF HIM I HAD IN MY BAG AND AND AND AND AND  OMMGGGGGG ALLY HE SAID HE LOVED ME" Rosey was crying and jumping up and down on the spot. She lifted up her side fringe to show me Ed's signature written in blue sharpie right across her forehead. I seriously wonder if shes ever going to wash that off..

Doubt it.

Wait hold up, A picture of him she just happened to have in her bag. .?

Actually that really doesn't surpise me.

"Oh and you have to go for the show" She continued, a bit more casually. 

"Now?!" I asked

"Yup!" she replied. I quickly ran out of my room down the hall and found Tulisa and the other contestants waiting for me backstage.

"Where were you?!' Perrie whispered/mouthed to me, kind of frantically. Since Rosey couldn't stay in the hotel with me, I had recently got super close with Little Mix

"In my dressing room. Am I  late?" I whispered back

"Well your not really but if you were any lat-" She was cut off by the sound dude waving his hand about infront of my face to get my attention. How proffesional.

"In 5.. 4.. 3.. 2. go" Sound dude mouthed, yet again. Guess that answers that. I walked onstage with Tulisa's hand in mine ready to find out my faith. Dermot announced our names one by one calling out who was going through. When finally me and Oliver where the only names left. Great, my first time in the bottom two. Thankfully, Oliver sang first, and did a great job. Yay. Now, its my turn. I was freaking shaking while I sang Ed Sheerans 'A team'. (In honour of Rosey.. meh not really) I didn't do a great job but  hey, I tried


I got sent home in the end. It was sad but I got through it!



 A/N: Well hiya:) Heres the first chapter of our story, umm I really don't know what to write here, ahaha awks. Its a bit um, typical of a one direction fanfic first chapter, but in my mind it does get better. Oh well, lets just say that we update it quite a lot, for anyone who wants to read it. And sometimes the chapters are a little short, but their mainly just fillers, nothing too dramatic:) Hope you like it!

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