Ally's POV
Shite, I've got a meeting today. Oh. Totally forgot about that.
"Niall I've gotta go get ready, I've got a meeting later. Management, recording meetings i'm not totally sure but i think its pretty important." I frowned, this meant a day less with Niall.
"Well that actually works out perfectly." He beamed "Because I have a meeting too!"
"Well, oooohooh isnt that fun" I told him, finishing of my toast.
"Whats the time babe?"
"Urmmm, like 1 or something, I dont know"
"Urgh i gotta go get ready. See you later gorgeous" He told me, followed by a warm kiss that tasted like toast. Toast kisses. Toast kisses are nice, and toasty.
"Call me when you're done" I smiled. Niall nodded, before turning the corner and heading up the stairs.
I dont know where Rosey is, maybe still in Harry's room. Its cute that she's looking after him (cos ya know, he's totally hammered) considering that she hated him at first.. She's weird like that, has a weird sense when she first meets people. Its quite funny to watch, actually.
* * *
Mine and Rosey's bedroom was a floor above the floor that the boys are on, so its pretty easy just to come and go as we please. I wasn't suprised to walk in the door and find Rosey being lazy on the sofa. Its a normal thing.
"Heeeeeyyyyy Ally" She waved, not taking her eyes off the TV for a second.
"Heyyyaaaa baybeyyyy," I said walking over to her. "You look pretty!" I continued batting my eyelashes.
"Okay Albert what do you want?" She said pausing the TV. Albert, ugh hate it when she calls me that.
"I don't want anything Rosalina dear.."
"Oh you are an adorable one aren't you. I know you, you want something!" She chuckled
"Well..." I began "How could you be the same room as that sex god and know.." I said fiddiling with the sleves of my hoodie. She shook her head pushing her curly brown hair back.
"Oh Ally Ally Ally..." She began! "I'm not one to kiss and tell Ally dear," She continued. "Besides, you know that I was only looking after him"
Mischevious little..
I suppose she's right. She's not one to toy about with boys. In her whole life, she's only had three serious boyfriends, the major guy being Finn, one of our bestfriends. They broke up about two months ago, after a solid year and a half together. They'd been on and off between other reletionships since they were like 14, but Finn and Rosey were great together, and she was crying for ages after they broke up (because of some huge fight). So I really don't think she's looking for anything with boys right now, maybe she's just in one of those nice-caring-Rosey- moods.
Wait, nevermind.

Daydreamer. (A Niall Horan fanfiction)
FanfictionMeet Ally and Rosey. Just two normal girls from a little town in Ireland? Not anymore. With Ally being a Rising Pop star, and Rosey being her crazy bestfriend, life at the moment is treating the girls pretty well. And as you can imagine, when One D...