*Rosey's POV*
The story of how I fell asleep in Darragh's armchair and my new aversion to popcorn was still a bit of a mystery between us, but I was putting it down to the flu. The next week I was so nauseas, that I ended up having to stay home on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. It took what felt like every bone in my body to get up in the morning. Well vivid dreams about Harry Styles falling off various things had been doing that anyway, as well as waking up a lot to go to the bathroom. Bottom line, flu is horrible. Plus, getting revision work sent home really doesn't help either. Ally was either too tired or busy to skype, which was understandable, but inconvienient. Being stuck up in my room didn't have many perks, apart from unlimated sleep and as much time on my laptop as I wanted without being disturbed. But that was a small return fee from retching over a bucket every few hours.
Thurrsday the 17th I was finally allowed to do stuff after like 4 days bedrest, and to get back to school. Doctors orders, ya know. On a better note, Dad said I didn't have to get the bus and drove me to school, while Jacob drove Lily and Rae to theirs.
"Thanks Dad, i'll get the bus later, okay? Love you" I smiled weakly before closing the door very softly. Loud noises hurt. Checking my school planner, I frowned at the prospect of a History lesson first thing in the morning. All though the back of the class, thankfully where I'm seated, is a rather great place for doing off while Mr. Brannan drones on about Medieval methods of torture.
* * *
"So you'll have to write an essay completley in Irish for your cert, now that is understandable and should be an easy task due to the years of preparation and learning that you have recieved.." Mrs Manohan explained. Irish is fairly boring. So all that I was focousing on was the 4 - person game of snap we were playing by the window. It was after break, and we were all a bit restless.
"SNAP" Finn shouted, but thankfully the class was in a pretty loud state anyway, Miss had walked out to get some books or something, I'm not sure. Maeve grumbled because this was the second time she had lost, but Finn gleefully collected the cards up and began shuffeling them again.
"Why shuffle them theres not much point in th-" Nausea swept over me, and I got up in a rush that made my head spin. Hand clamped over my mouth, I made a beeline for the door.
"Rosey?!" Finn yelled, tearing after me.
"Finnigan and Rosalina, if you would care to get back in the classroom please!" Mrs Manohan called from the other end of the hall.
"Not now miss, um bit of a crisis" Finn was struggeling to word the situation, and I frankly couldn't care less as I was going to throw up everywhere any second now. I barely pushed a stall door in the girls toilets open before I emptied my guts everywhere. Ew. Exiting the stall, I moved flyaway strands of hair from my face and rinsed out my mouth with tap water. Finn was thumping his fist on the door and calling my name over and over.
"Give it a rest" I growled, flinging the door open sending him stumbling backwards.
"Are you okay?!" He asked, ignoring my request. His dark eyebrows were knitted together in worry
"Just dandy. Now c'mon, or they'll have started the next snap round without us"
"Hang on, don't you think you should go down the the office or something? I mean you obviously still have the flu, you should go home" He confirmed, taking my wrist and begining to walk down the corridor.
"What no, Finn I have to go back to class" I sighed, turning around. He stopped me in the middle of the corridor.
"No you don't" He murmered softly "I'll get your bag, you go sit in the office, they'll call home and then you can go back to sleep, okay?"

Daydreamer. (A Niall Horan fanfiction)
FanfictionMeet Ally and Rosey. Just two normal girls from a little town in Ireland? Not anymore. With Ally being a Rising Pop star, and Rosey being her crazy bestfriend, life at the moment is treating the girls pretty well. And as you can imagine, when One D...