Ally's POV
"Okay well I gotta go do some Christmas shopping, wanna hang out later?" I asked Niall
"Yeah sounds good," He replied walking over to the elevator with me. "11th floor?"
"How'd you know?" I smiled, and he grinned broadly in response. Niall pushed the button and the elevator began moving. Wow that was detailed. Anyhow. I walked into the hotel room where I saw Rosey who was more then ready to go.
"Whatcha got there?" I asked walking over to the table and getting my handbag.
"Oh you know.. just some lists.."
"What sorta lists?" I asked snatching them from her hands.
Who to get gifts for.
What gifts to get for people.
Where to buy gifts for people.
How long will it take to buy gifts for people.
How long I will be in each shop.
How long Ally will be in each shop.
Where to eat and not get to full but still eat enough.
How long will it take to eat.
"Rosey thats just sad!" I giggled handing them back. She just gave me the evils. Man was she good at that. Anyway..
* * *
We took a taxi down to the shopping centre and got straight to shopping, after stopping for some coffee first of course. We need coffee. Coffee is good. Okay since Rosey was already so organised, who am I getting gifts for?
Mommy, Daddy, Cory and Darren (my brothers)
Mamó and Daideó (Irish grandparents)
Mommer and Pop-pop (American grandparents)
Sammy and Toby (my little cousins)
Caitlin, Maeve, Ashling, Finn and Darragh (close friends back home in Ireland)
and of course
* * *
We went into some shops where our parents and grandparents would probably like things from and eventually found some reasonable gifts. If you'd call various kitchen utensils reasonable. I soon broke away from Rosey once we got into Topshop knowing I could find something she would love here, if she didn't already have it.
I picked up a Micky Mouse crop top thingy for myself so it wasn't obvious I was getting her gift. Plus this top was really cute! I got her a fancy dress knowing she needed another one if I'm gonna have award shows, dinners and other shit to go to.
"FOUND YA!" She said pouncing on my back as I finished paying. Thank god the dress was in the bag. Phew.
"What did ya get?" She asked
"THIS TOP!" I exclaimed showing her.
"Oh thats cute, gonna have to steal it some time," She winked nudging my side. Its true, we wear each others clothes. She has a good sense of fashion, and were near enough the same shoe size. "C'mon now we have to stick to the schedule!" She said dragging me out of the shop.
"Where to next?" I asked curiously
"Umm on my list it says 'go to stupid shop that Ally wants to go to' so where do you wanna go?" I rolled my eyes. She knows me so well.

Daydreamer. (A Niall Horan fanfiction)
FanfictionMeet Ally and Rosey. Just two normal girls from a little town in Ireland? Not anymore. With Ally being a Rising Pop star, and Rosey being her crazy bestfriend, life at the moment is treating the girls pretty well. And as you can imagine, when One D...