The Cotton is Falling Out

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      In the heart of the Digital Circus, Ragatha's watchful eyes were usually on everyone. Yet recently, her focus had narrowed, fixated on the unpredictable jester, Pomni.

Ragatha poured her heart into helping Pomni, often prioritizing her over everyone else. Despite her efforts, Pomni remained distant, lost in her own chaotic world. The constant rejection began to chip away at Ragatha's usually sunny disposition.

The sweetest and most caring character of all of the circus began to act strangely. Strangely enough for even the most chaotic character to notice; Jax. The purple bunny that always needed all the attention and drama he could get. Honestly, Ragatha always associated him with a very cocky theater kid.

One day, Jax and Pomni found themselves standing outside of Ragatha's door, their attempt to elicit a response met with eerie silence.

P: "Jax, quit putting centipedes underneath her door. We haven't even heard the slightest of noise out from her for a day or two. She's been acting so weird lately... she's doing the usual routine but.. something is definitely off with her. She's not her usual self."

J: "Relax, pip squeak. I'm just having a little fun! I will admit that I haven't seen Ragatha this down in ages."

Jax quietly took out a set of keys from his overalls and unlocked the door as quietly as possible. Pomni swallow harshly, for some reason the behavior of Ragatha was alarming, especially to her. She hasn't even seen Ragatha smile since a week ago. She won't answer her door and she doesn't answer in her cheerful voice as usual. Ragatha answers in a very quiet mellow tone that's unsettling. Even Gangle has attempted really hard to cheer her up and nothing has caused her to break this phase of different behavior and mannerisms.

J: "Knock yourself out, I'm sure I have some more entertaining tasks to attend to in the meantime."

Jax walked off in his usual cocky manner, he was always so prideful and chaotic.. even at the worst of times to behave in the manner that he does.

Pomni stared at the door, and felt her anxiety rising. Ragatha was usually the one calming her down but now that she's... acting strangely it's only stressed Pomni out further. She took in a deep breath, while her hands shook violently towards the door knob. Why was she so nervous...? Ragatha was the one person that... never made her feel so anxious before.

One of the bravest actions Pomni did was turning that door knob and slowly peering the door open.

    The room shrouded in darkness, an unusual sight. As Pomni pushed the door open, her eyes adjusted to the dim light, revealing a figure huddled in the corner, wrapped in a blanket. Pomni's heart clenched as she saw Ragatha, but she steeled herself. She closed the door quietly behind her, hands trembling with a mix of fear and determination.

Pomni's voice was barely a whisper.

P: I'm sorry for barging in, but I wanted to try to cheer you up for once.."

She was only acknowledged with some slight shuffling around in the blanket. Ragatha wasn't even facing her. Pomni kneeled down and gently wrapped her arms around Ragatha from behind. Ragatha finally reacted, she gasped at the touch and suddenly responded.

R: P-Pomni?? What in the world are you doing in here..? Why are you touching me??"

Ragatha was now the one shaking and her voice was a dead give away that she was in fight or flight mode. She suddenly turned towards Pomni, pushing her arms away from her before being told firmly.

R: "I don't want you here. You're the last person I want to disturb my personal space right now."

P: "B-But Ragatha.., it obviously seems like you need others to help you out right now... you're not yourself."

Ragatha stares at her firmly, and almost in a disappointed expression.

R: "Yeah, I really wonder who caused me to act this way."

Ragatha said that in a sarcastic tone. Pomni was so beyond shocked by her words that she just froze on the spot and stared at her until Ragatha stood up.

R: "You've never once acted like you cared about me. Don't act like you do now."

Ragatha grabs Pomni's shoulder firmly and guides her outside of her bedroom, and is met with a closed door in her face again.

Pomni stands there absolutely terrified and shocked.... why was she the reason Ragatha was acting like this...?...


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