You Only Live Once

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     Pomni obversed Ragatha's odd behavior once again, noticing every nervous movement and mannerism. Why did Ragatha always seem so fidgety around her, even though she was fine with everyone else?

    They reached a dead end in the hallway. As Ragatha approached the last door and began to turn the door knob, Pomni quickly pulled her hand away. Taking in a deep breath, she said.

P: "You already opened a door, it's my turn to open this door Ragatha. You're not in this alone, Remember?"

   Ragatha felt a blush creep up her face. She admired Pomni's newfound boldness and confidence, especially when facing her fears. Ragatha was very used to Pomni's stressful reactions towards her fears, but for her to voluntarily go through her fears for Ragatha just made her heart skip a beat.

  Ragatha attempted to respond but Pomni opened the door before anything else was spoken. The room was dark and empty. Ragatha stared into the room and attempted to process what exactly this fear was. Pomni chuckled before saying.

P: "I-I don't think I've told anyone in the circus that I'm scared of the dark but only when I am by myself in an unfamiliar place."

   Ragatha gave a sweet gentle smile towards Pomni. The dolly grabbed her hand and gently whispered into her ear which gave the little jester shivers down her spine.

R: "Well, I'm right by your side. We're going through this together, right?

   Pomni smiled in response to her question and gave Ragatha a confident expression before they both stepped into the room.

    It seemed like an abandoned room from a house that had been standing for too long. The floor boards creaked loudly as they both walked slowly through the room and they both made it to the next door across from the last. This time Ragatha reached out for the door knob, took in a deep breath and slowly pushed the door open.

    This time, the room had a window, with the sound of thunder and rain repeated pounding against the glass, it echoed through the room. It appeared to be a child's room... the occasional lightning strike casting eerie shadows. Ragatha jumped slightly, startled by the atmosphere.

Pomni squeezed her hand gently, and they took a step forward whenever Ragatha felt like she could. The little jester looking up at her with care and patience, and would only take a step when Ragatha could. Once it was time, they made it across the room and to another door.

Pomni swallowed harshly before the doll squeezed her hand once again. She said in a very gentle and caring voice.

R: "Take as much time as you need. It seems like we're only going through simple fears as for now..."

P: "I know, it's just hard being this vulnerable."

   Ragatha giggled softly at Pomni. She smiled softly before responding.

R: "I definitely understand that. It may get personal but, we can trust each other to keep these fears just between us, okay?"

  Pomni nods her head in agreement and opens the door. It's a familiar room she was once in before. It was a bland room with an exit door. She started to have flashbacks of constantly looking for an exit door, the endless rollercoaster of feeling trapped and unable to escape not manner how hard she attempted to. She hated feeling trapped; the endless disassociating, and mental break downs she would experience were horrific. Ragatha had comforted her and taught her that we all only live once and sometimes need to find a way to enjoy it even if we have no wiggle room.

    Surprisingly, Pomni squeezed Ragatha's hand and said.

P: "Let's go to the other door that isn't the exit door. I remember you once saying to me.."

"it's okay to feel stuck or trapped but the real way to life is how you react to your environment. It's your true power that no one can take away from you."

   Ragatha had the most proudest and emotional expression she's ever given in the longest time. Her heart was touched, and it was being melted in the hands of a little anxious jester who had been making her gone softer than she naturally was. She swooned over her little jester, as much as she wanted her feelings to be present and known. The doll simply couldn't handle the thought of rejection of someone whom she cared deeply for.

     They both walked into the bland room that looks like it was a part of an office building at some point. They approached the only other door that wasn't the exit door. Ragatha looked down at Pomni and tells her.

R: "I didn't realize you actually listened to my advice,  but I'm so glad you've taken it. You've grown a lot more than I expected..."

P: "Well, you give the best advice out of anyone. Additionally, let's not mention how many times you've listened to my rants and stressful vents.. I just.. didn't realize how much I take you for granted."

   Ragatha feels her entire body go fuzzy. The dolly was made out of cotton and fabric but certain that she was living on a cloud right now. Despite the both of them going through scary environments; being in each other's presence has brought a lot of comfort and confidence.

   They both go into the unknown together...


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