23. The Truth

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'A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret.'

Proverbs 11:13-14 (NIV)


I stumble back as my lungs turn to fire. Struggling for air, I bring my hand to my chest, clutching at my dress as if pulling at it might grant me an extra breath. My other hand clutches onto Gabriel, who pulls me back and places his hands on either side of my face, directing my gaze towards his. His expression mirrors my worry as he mouths words I can't catch over the thumping of my heart.
Thump... thump... thump...
"Take-take me h-home," I stutter out between tight breaths. Flashbacks fill my head, each one more painful than the last. I clutch onto Gabriel's shirt, continuing to struggle for breath, but it's no use. Slowly, I feel my eyes roll back as darkness overcomes me.

♱ Gabriel ♱

My heart pounds as panic rushes through me. Evangeline has just collapsed in my arms. I bring her close to my chest, haul her up by her knees, and pick her up bridal style, rushing towards the car. I hurriedly open the passenger side, secure her with the seat belt, then run to the other side, starting the car and speeding out of the car park.

I race down the highway, weaving through various cars. At the same time, I reach over and take her phone from her dress pocket. Evangeline is still unconscious but breathing. I hold down the button until Siri pops up.
"Call Lillian," I say into the mouthpiece as I slide the phone into the car mount.
"You don't have a contact under that name. Did you mean someone else?" Siri responds.
"Shit." I press the button down again, waiting for it to pop up.
"Call Gram's," I say, hoping that's what she named Lillian in her phone.
"Calling Gram's."
The call rings a few times before Lillian picks up.
"Evangeline, shouldn't you be enjo—"
"Hey, hi, Lillian, it's Gabriel. I hate to worry you, but Evangeline has collapsed. She seemed to be panicking when I took her down to the beach, and she just collapsed. I'm on my way back now. Has this ever happened before? She said to take her home, but I think I should take her to the hosp—"
"Gabriel, did you say beach? What beach?" She interrupts me as I begin to increase my speed on the empty section of the highway.
"Bridger's Beach, just off the interstate," I reply.
"Okay, don't worry, darling. I'm leaving now, so I should be back before you. Bring her home; she'll be fine. How far away are you?"
"About ten minutes."
"Okay, I'll meet you back home. It will be alright, Gabriel. Don't worry."

I maintain my speed, cutting the time to five minutes as I pull up outside the house where Lillian stands waiting. I rush out of the car and run to Evangeline's side.
"What should I do?" I ask, panic evident in my voice. Lillian's face pales at the sight of her.
"Bring her upstairs." I open the passenger door and pick Evangeline up, gently carrying her into the house and upstairs to her room. I place her on the bed as Lillian follows.
"Gabriel, it might be best if you leave the room; it might be a while."
"I'm so sorry, Lillian. I don't know if it's something I did."
"Oh, honey, it's not your fault. When she's awake, I'll let you know and come get you. Go grab something to eat; there are some leftovers in the fridge."
I nod and leave the room to go downstairs as Lillian closes the door behind me.

♱ ♱ ♱

Seconds turn to minutes, and minutes turn to hours as I wait downstairs, not a sound from Evangeline or Lillian. I've spent the past several hours watching and listening to the ticking clock on the fireplace mantel. The time is now 9:11 p.m. My leg bounces as I wait for any news from either of them.

Another five minutes pass before I see Lillian walk down the stairs. I quickly stand up in response.
"Ah, Gabriel, she's awake. She's just showering at the moment and wants to see you. Why don't you get yourself showered and cleaned up?"
My shoulders sag with relief, knowing she is awake and wants to see me.
"Have you eaten?" I shake my head.
"Okay, I'll bring some food up for you two."
"Okay, thank you, Lillian." She gives me a small smile as I make my way upstairs and head to the shower.

I quickly bathe, washing myself and my hair, not wanting Evangeline to have to wait. I towel dry my hair, put on pyjamas, and put on my glasses before exiting my room. I knock gently on Evangeline's door. Maybe she's not ready yet or has changed her mind.
"Come in." I let out a breath and open the door slowly. Evangeline is sitting up in her bed, wearing an oversized T-shirt, her hair tucked behind her ears. My chest tightens as I notice the red rims around her eyes, as if she's been crying.
"Well, don't just stand there, come sit," she says, her voice slightly hoarse. She lifts the covers and gestures for me to join her in bed. I walk over and slowly get in, scared to make any sudden movements that might set her off again.
"I'm sorry about today. I'm sure I scared you," she says. "I want you to know straight off the bat that you did nothing wrong, absolutely nothing."
My shoulders and face soften as I nod.
"I think context will help, so I think telling you everything might be beneficial."
I listen intently.
"Here goes nothing."


I'm aware that this is a short chapter, however it simply felt right this way, I will however be uploading the next chapter in an hour or so! so you can get a double update!

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