36. Where's my son?

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'And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.'

2 Corinthians 11:14


"We can't wear I rings when we get back" I pout, we were now tucked away in our first class seats on the plane back home.

"We can, here" He removes my engagement ring, and then my wedding band, where he places it back on my middle finger, on my right hand. He does the same with his ring placing it on the opposite hand.

"We'll know what they represent, as for your engagement ring, maybe I could put it on my other hand, he slips it on his finger, only making it about halfway down, clearly to small for him, before he dramatically, looks at if as if he was a female checking her nails, before moving it to his face to show.

"I think it might wash me out, what do you think" he says as I burst out laughing, picking the ring off his finger, and placing it on my left hand middle finger.

"You're an idiot" I say admiring the rings in their new position.

"I'm your idiot" he smiles before kissing my cheek.

"That you are" I say resting my head on his shoulder.

"Back to the depths of hell" I say, let out a tight breath. "Gram's will still be a Margarets until tomorrow morning, so we'll have the night to ourselves" I smile as I close my eyes, to which I find my self slowly drifting off to sleep, to the sounds of Gabriel's heart beat.

I sleep through the entire plane ride, only waking up when the plane makes contact with the runway.

"Wake up sleepyhead" Gabriel says, stroking his finger over the back of my hand. I yawn, before stretching out.

"Did you get any sleep?" I ask undoing my seatbelt.

"No, I just caught up on some admin, so that I don't have to do it when we get back" I smile, as the flight attendant announces are arrival back, and lets us know we can start making our way off the plane.

We walk hand in had throughout the airport and into the car park, where Gabriel kept his car over the past four days, plopping my bags in the back before getting into the front, still a bit groggy from my nap.

"Hey, you can go back to sleep and I can wake us up when we get there."

I shake my head despite, angling myself so that I'm lying on my side.

"No if I a fall asleep again I won't fall asleep at tonight" I add.

"Maybe I want you well rested for tonight" He winks at me, as he pulls out of his parking spot.

"You're right, I should be well rested, tonight, because how else will I be able to secretly pack my bags and run away with half your money" he lets out a loud laugh.

"You just need to ask and you can have all of it" he moves his hand so that its over the console and stroking my bare thigh.

"I like when you do that" I mumble as I drift off to sleep again.

"Hey, sweetheart, we're back" Gabriel coax's me out of my sleep for the second time, I use him as support as I get out of the car, and walk into the house, which Gabriel unlocked before I got in.

"I hope you don't mind, I left you in the car while I set up" He says as he guides me to the dining table.

"I know it's not much, but it's technically are first meal, as a married couple" he pulls a chair out, as I sit down wiping the sleep from my eyes, he had purchased from the Chinese restaurant, that we had when we first confessed our feelings for each other, with him ordering the same exact things from that night.

The Divine Temptation (18+) (Forbidden Priest Romance)Where stories live. Discover now