Before we begin...

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I would like to briefly state that no personal information will be disclosed in this book. In addition, I won't be sharing any photos of myself or even little details. Since individuals on the internet can be unpredictable, I only want to share a few facts about myself without giving away any personal information. I also want to keep some things private in case someone wants to pursue me with ill intentions.

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O T H E R   M E N T I O N S

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Firstly, when I distribute books more, this may be updated. My written works are not mature, and if they are, it's because they contain profanity or violent scenes. I don't write any explicit or adult content in any of my books.

Secondly, my books are open to readers of all ages. Except where noted, most of my novels are appropriate for young readers. However, you won't find any adult material in any of my works because I don't write it. The most you might witness would be a tender kiss or hug between two characters, but nothing more.

And thirdly, none of my works will include any spoilers. My book's title, a picture of the cover, a brief summary, and the genre and subgenres might be in it will be the only information I will display. Apart from that, you don't have to worry about any spoilers because I won't reveal anything about the plot or how the book finishes.

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