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Faye entered the room that the girl was sleeping in. The room was slightly lit then the other rooms. So it didn't needed any artificial lights. The rays of sun was caressing the girl's face. But this time faye was relieved to see that the girl have woken up.

" Look! The sleeping beauty has woken up! All have to do is figure out who is the prince." Faye said while putting the food tray on the bed side table.

The girl who has just woken up sat up and started to servey the surroundings.

" Where am I ? Are you one of my kidnappers?" Asked the girl looking around.

" If I was your kidnapper I wouldn't have kept you in this master bedroom. I would've kept you in my basement. Pluse I took care of you whole night." Said faye with a smile while she uncovered all the windows. With that the girl noticed that she was in front of a huge garden that was landed with all kinds of flowers and beautiful trees. The garden looked like a paradise.

" Did I died? Am I in heaven?" Yoko asked looking around.

" Huh! If this is the paradise, then I must be lucifer. No sleeping beauty. No that lucky yet. You are still in hell." Faye said coming back to the girl.

" Actually... Lucifer was.." she was cut short by faye who looked impatient

" Shut that fact show and tell me your name."

" I am yoko. Yoko apasra. Who are you?" Asked yoko looking at faye.

Faye smiled after knowing yoko's name." Yoko! Humm.  Nice name. So. I am faye. That's all you need to know. There's your food stuff it in your pie hole and then fix your hair leave." Said faye already being annoyed.

" Humm! But what about those people that were after me.?" Asked yoko.

" They have been taken care of." Said faye with a smile.

" What?"

In the mean time in the forest some black wolves were tearing apart some shirts and pants like a wrapper after they were finished eating the food inside them.


" By the way why were they chasing you?" Asked faye. She was curious about the girl the moment she met her. How did she ended up coming to the forest? And why there were goons chasing after her? All of these questions clustered inside her head.

" Ummm.. they were actually after my father. But he left the country after taking ton of debt from them. So they were after me. They wanted to sell me to middle eastern countries to get their money's worth." Said yoko lowering her head.

Yoko had already finished her breakfast. But now she felt sad so she pulled her knees to her chest to cry.

" Okay. Don't cry! I wouldn't like to have that cute face of yours distorted like that. Don't cry." Said faye sitting beside her.

Then slowly caressed yoko's head. After so a long time with faye's soft touch she felt a relief and slowly raised her head to look at faye. Faye's eyes locked with yoko. She kept looking at yoko's cute eyes. Yoko felt a relief in the hand of a stranger. She forgot all of her past. On the other hand, the little girl in front of her made faye think. The little girl's face was red due to crying her eyes and nose is flowing. But she looks not scared any more. She might be scared but now she is more relaxed. What is happening to her. Faye thought. She used to hunt and killed a lot of rabbits but she never thought how cute they were. Now this Little girl is making her think that they might had been cute.

" Where is your home? I'll send you there." Said faye. Although she had already made up her mind about making the little girl her bride to relise Becky of this burden. But looking at her trembling nostrils faye couldn't go through her plan.

" I don't want to go home. Can't you keep me here? I can clean the floor." Said yoko with hope in her eyes.

" We don't need a maid." Faye said. She can already do everything with her magic and this freen's castle anyway. She thought.

" Keeping you here is a burden to me. I have no use for you here." Said faye.

Yoko became sad after this reply. She was hoping for a positive response. Although she knew that the reply isn't going to be in her favour.

She lowered her head and started to make waves on the bedsheet.

Faye felt her some kind of weight on her heart.

"Look at me." Said faye.

Yoko raised her head and looked at faye.

With this sudden look faye forgot what she was about to say. Faye kept looking at the cute creature in front of her.

" Huh?" Yoko said after not getting an answer from faye.

" What about your family? Your mom?"

" They killed her." Yoko lowered her head again.

" Isn't there anyone who can take care of you?"

Yoko shook her head still holding her head to her knees.

" Humm ...!" Faye took a heavy breath and thought this is the best dicision for both freen and her. That way freen can be with Becky and the ritual tonight will be completed without any fuss. All she needs to know is her age.

" How old are you?" Asked faye.

" 19!" Said faye.

" 19?"

Yoko nodded with agreement.

" Okay then! You can stay here."

"Seriously!" Yoko jumped up in excitement.

Faye was very surprised with this kind of behaviour. She was escaping stranger, yet she was ready when asked once. How desparate was she?
Faye thought. Her train of thoughts was disturbed by yoko's pretty face.

Yoko was looking at her with confused eyes.

" What do I have to do? I can clean toilets or the garden." Said yoko climbing down the bed.

" I need you do to none of that. If I keep you here I won't keep you as my maid. Like I said I don't need a maid." Said faye. " But I am in a desperate need for a wife." Faye said with a smirk.

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