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Becky already came out of freen's room her heart was still beating so fast that she can already feel it coming out of her chest. Becky ran towards the kitchen which for some reason felt very familiar. In this huge castle she wasn't lost. She ran straight into the kitchen crossing all the familiar looking hallways. Becky sat down beside nop who just finished breakfast.

" Wow! Here drink some water. How are not lost? I was finished with my breakfast awhile ago but I was waiting for someone to come so I can get out of here. It's looks like a maize." Nop explained giving Becky a glass of water.

" I don't know! I was running. And it was some kind of muscle memory that led me here." Becky confusingly said. She didn't knew either how she got here.

" Muscle memory? You never been here!" Nop said looking even more confused.

" Anyway Becky we should leave. Before the sun you know goes down."

" It's just morning. And now we know the road and in daylight we can navigate roads easily. It won't take us more then three hours to get back to town." Said becky looking out at the sun.

" Yeah! Also your dad how are you going explain us spending a night together....before marriage?" Asked nop.

" Oh! Shit!" Becky just realised. But it wasn't going to be a problem with her dad but her mom. She quickly started stuffing her mouth with two pan cakes.

Then she slurped a glass of orange juice. And the she stood up to leave.

" How are we going to get out of this castle. Also shouldn't we say something to the hostess before leaving?" Asked nop.

" Right! Let's get out of here and see my muscle  memory works or not. But what about the hostess. We can't just leave!" Said becky. Then looking around she discovered some papers and colour pens.

" What are you doing?" Said nop when he saw that Becky was destroying someone else's private property.

" Leaving a message." Said becky while scribbling something on a piece of paper.

" Look." Becky gave  the paper to nop.

Paper read.

Thank you for your hospitality. But we have to leave and go a long way. But thank you again for letting us spend the night here...

" Humm! I think that will do." Nop explained. But once he turned the page , there was a drawing of a piece of pizza.

" Look! I hope it wasn't important." Nop sighed.

" How could it be important? This drawing looks like made by a kid. And there aren't any kids." Becky said.

" Well! Let's keep it here and leave." Nop said.

Nop left the note on the table and then  put a plate on it so it doesn't move with air. Then both ran out of the kitchen. Then the wind blew and it stroke the note which revealed the back side of the note that had a sign bellow the pizza drawing.

Bec bec : )

Same as in the front under the note. Which both of them failed to notice.


Becky already came out of the castle and now was waiting in the front gate of the castle. The old rusty castle door that made people remember the haunted castle from horror movies. Becky stood in front of it and got a deja vu. Like she was in the exact same place. In this exact same way she was looking for a way out. Her heart started beating and she got some flush of memories.

Her running along the castle halls, only they were darty and filled with torn up painting of old timy people. Her laughing at someone in that garden that she ran through a while ago. The rose plant that had a twig broken. That exact same garden someone stood in white dress with white tulips in her hands in front of her. Becky saw that was holding hand with that person suddenly the rain started and she kissed the woman....

Then this gate opened in front of her. The hole in the wall beside the huge gate, remembering that she turned around and saw the wall did actually had a hole. Not big enough for a human to crawl out. But it was enough for someone like Becky to crawl out. But it was dirtier in her dream and it was filled with thorny twigs.
She looked around evey thing looked familiar like she was here and she got enough time to explore this place. To know every single entrance and out. She doesn't even know the town she lived in for half of her life. But this castle felt like her home.

" Are you crying?" Asked nop. With his voice Becky came out of whatever dream she was in. She turned to she nop had already opened the castle gates and boarded his car.

" Get in." Nop said again starting his car. With last night's heavy driving he did in th forest his black car became muddy. The mud had already dried out. And gave the car a new look which to say the truth nop wasn't complaining.

Without any further words Becky hopped onto the car. Nop started the car and drove away leaving the castle doors open.


Faye was sitting in front of yoko and looking at her face. Yoko was doing the same. Faye noticed that yoko had a small cut on her neck. She must've missed that cut when freen walked in. Faye already healed yoko of every pain. But she didn't see this mark last night.

" You got a cut! Must've got it when running in the forest." Said faye moving her hands towards the wound.

" Oh! This..!" Yoko shyly moved away from faye and put her own hand on the wound and it was still bleeding.

" No! I got this one when the goons assaulted my mom and made me watch while holding a knife on my neck." Yoko said caressing the wounds.

" Did they assaulted you by any chance?" Faye asked asked.
Yoko shook her head.

" So there's no one to take care of you?" Asked faye while her eyes shone dark red glow. She was angry for some reason when she didn't had any reason to be angry at that moment.

" No! They killed my mom after that. But I somehow escaped them....and now no one in this world cares even if I go missing." Yoko lowered her head. Her small eye started to get teary. Faye's eyes now shone in a mild red glow while she placed her idex finger on yoko's chin and raised her head.

" Let me look at the wound.." faye placed her hand over yoko's wound.

And then the next minute yoko felt some kind of warmth and comfort that she couldn't help but smile...," your touch is very warm!" Said yoko.

Faye looked at the smiling Little girl, a smile appeared on faye's face. For a moment she forgot where she was. The only thing she needed at that moment was to look into that little girl's eyes. But once she remembered her situation. She felt like grandma's words echoing in her mind. Her smile disappeared.....with a deep sigh her eyes glowed in bright red and soon yoko stoped laughing. Her face became emotionless and she sat up straight....and looked at faye.

" For now on I am your master. You'll be my bride and tonight is our wedding. You must follow every I order. Do you understand?" Said faye.

" You are my master, I am your bride. Today is our wedding. I must follow every thing you say. I will be a good wife." Said yoko without moving any other muscle except her facial muscles to talk.

" Good girl! Now give me a smile and keep it on untill the ceremony." Ordered faye and stood up to leave.

Yoko followed as said by faye. She smiled a mild smile on her face. Faye stopped for a moment to appreciate the pure beauty in front of her.

" She is cute." Said faye to herself....

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