NHL: David Rundblad (Chicago Blackhawks)

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David & Syd

Waking up with a pounding headache, I sat up and cringed as I looked directly out the window. I looked beside me and saw someone sleeping.

I looked closely at his face.

"David Rundblad?"

His eyes fluttered open and focused on my face. He was confused at first, but he soon realized who I was.

"You're prettier than I remember," he smiled.

"What happened last night?" I croaked.

"Brought you home. I never got your name," he responded in his thick accent.

"Well I'm Syd. Nice to meet you Mr. Rundblad," I laughed.

"That's a pretty name. Well Syd, breakfast?" He asked sweetly.

"That'd be lovely."

David let me borrow a t shirt of his and a pair of sweats his "friend" left at his house. Instead of thinking about who the pants belonged to, I followed him outside and tried to focus on getting food into my system.

We went to a coffee shop and talked over eggs and bacon. When we were done, he brought me to my house.

"I really wish I remembered last night," I said.

"Me too. I mean, I remember some parts, but not everything," he winked.

I smiled.

Before I got out, he grabbed my phone and put his number in.

"Thanks for the breakfast. I'll return these asap," I said as I tugged at the shirt and pants.

He leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"See you later, Syd," he smiled.

I got out and went inside, smiling like a complete idiot.


Three weeks later, I was constantly getting sick. I didn't think anything of it the first few times, but after a while, I was getting worried. Not knowing who else to call, I confided in my mom.

"It sounds to me like your pregnant, Syd," my mom sighed after I explained the symptoms.

"There's no way. I haven't had sex in so long."

"If I wasn't concerned for you, I would've hung up. You told me last month you went home with that hockey player. Without getting into too much detail, do you remember what happened that night?" She asked.

"Oh shit," I mumbled.

"I take it you know what you need to do."

"Yep. I'll talk to you later, mom."

I hung up and fell back onto my bed. David and I didn't use a condom that night. Even though I was severely under the influence, I knew that much. David and I hadn't talked since I started getting sick a week ago. He was busy with offseason training and I didn't want to be pushy. Trying my hardest to stay positive, I went to my bathroom and grabbed an emergency pregnancy test pack my friend left.

Ten minutes and four tests later, I dialed David's number.

"Hey Syd. You disappeared on me," he chuckled.

"Yeah, sorry about that. But David, I've got some news. If you're not busy, I'd really appreciate it if you could stop by."

"Of course, send me your address and I'll be there."

"Sounds good."

I texted him my address as soon I hung up and sat down to wait. Twenty minutes later, he was at the door.

"You're so pretty," he said, leaning in for a kiss when I opened the door.

I smiled slightly and allowed the kiss, grabbing his wrist and bringing him into the living room. When we were side by side, I started crying. I knew I had to cry, but I thought I could at least hold it in until he was gone.

"What's wrong, Syd?" He asked nervously.

"I'm pregnant. I'm so, so sorry David. I didn't mean for this to happen," I sobbed.

He ran his fingers through his hair and grabbed both of my hands, helping me calm down.

"Hey, Syd calm down. Why are you so upset?"

"It was just a one night stand. This stuff isn't supposed to happen," I hiccuped.

"It's okay. We both had a part in making this baby, so we'll both have a part in taking care of it."

"You're not mad?" I asked, wiping my tears.

"Mad? You're about to give me a kid! How could anyone be mad at that?"

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