Chapter 15

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring at 6 AM.

 With a groan, I rolled out of bed, stretched, and smiled, remembering my peaceful sleep. 

No nightmares again—progress.

After my usual gym session, I quickly showered and dressed. Packing my bag for school, I headed downstairs to the dining room where the morning chaos was already in full swing.

 Packing my bag for school, I headed downstairs to the dining room where the morning chaos was already in full swing

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Dad, Alessandro, and Emilo were deep in conversation in Italian 

Surprisingly everyone was here today even Nick

well that's new 

all of them were listening with so much interest and excitement 

I mean it is not every day the British donna agrees to a contract 

I only made contracts with a few mafias and always kept it low

I approached the dining room and hid behind the large door to eavesdrop 

should I be doing that... No.

do I care once again... No. 

"Ho ricevuto una risposta dall'email che abbiamo inviato al British Don," Emilo started, his expression serious.

"I received a response from the email we sent to the British Don," 

"Finalmente, cosa ha detto?" Dad asked, leaning forward.

"Finally, what did they say?"

"È una donna," Emilo said, shaking his head slightly in disbelief.

"It's a woman," 

Alessandro raised an eyebrow. "Davvero? Non sapevo che il precedente don avesse una figlia."

"Really? I didn't know the previous don had a daughter," 

"Sì, nemmeno io. Ma sembra che lei sia molto capace," Emilo continued.

"Yes, neither did I. But it seems she is competent," 

"Ha accettato la nostra proposta di alleanza?" Dad asked, his voice laced with anticipation.

"Did she accept our alliance proposal?" 

"Sì, è interessata. Ha suggerito un incontro faccia a faccia per discutere i dettagli," Emilo replied, nodding.

"Yes, she's interested. She suggested a face-to-face meeting to discuss the details,"

"Molto bene," Dad said, a smile creeping onto his face. "Un'alleanza con i britannici potrebbe essere molto vantaggiosa per noi."

"Very good."  "An alliance with the British could be very beneficial for us," 

Alessandro nodded in agreement. "Sì, soprattutto con i problemi che abbiamo con gli svedesi. Una partnership potrebbe rafforzare entrambe le nostre posizioni."

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