Chapter 16

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I strolled closing the door behind hoping sir had passed out. however, luck was not on my side today and to be honest it never was.

I crept slowly towards the basement aka my room. just as I entered my room I was grabbed hard by the hair and yanked. 

"you bitch where have you been" he yelled at me while rapidly beating us with a stick.

I looked down and did not answer him because I knew if I opened my mouth it would get me in more trouble.

"ANSWER ME," he said calmly coming towards me with a sharp knife. 

grabbing the ropes he tied my hands and legs lifting my shirt. he slowly dragged the knife on my stomach spelling the word 'USELESS' on my stomach. 

"This is what you get for sneaking out," he said finishing up his so-called artwork. 

he threw the knife across the room and headed out the door making me think he was done for the night. I should know better.  he came in with her. My only reason to stay alive is my world, and the only thing stopping me from taking my life. 

"as a punishment, I am going to sell her to the Russians and you will never see her again" he barked out laughing like it was the funniest thing in the world. 

he took out a syringe and injected it inside my neck making me slowly fall into darkness.

Flashback over 

I jolted wake sweat dripping from my forehead and my hands shaking i looked at the time it showed 5:30. the nightmare kept replaying in my mind and I was unable to stop thinking about her. 

I missed her so much she was all I had. when sir gave her away I knew he wanted to see me crying and begging instead I kept my blank face on when inside I was dying and breaking hoping this was just a nightmare and I would soon wake from it but I never did. 

it was real for months I stayed inside the house not bothering to go to school or check up on the mafia or my company. I couldn't eat for weeks even when sir would give me food after weeks. I could not eat at the thought of her getting beat up every day and starving. even after the worst beating, I would feel nothing just numbness nothing more nothing less.

eventually, my friends helped me get myself together and within 8 months I was back to normal 

well at least from the outside 

but every day I feel guilty wishing that it was me instead of her going through all the shit. a few months before I came here sir told me that the Russians had killed her but there was just a little hope inside me that maybe she was alive.

today marks a year from when she was taken away. every year this day comes I bury myself in work not ready to face the fact that she is gone 

after a few minutes I calm myself get out of bed change into my gym clothes and head to  the gym 

2 hours later I was covered in sweat, my knuckles were bleeding because of the punching. the bag way now on the ground al teared up 

I went to my room showered and changed my clothes 

I went to my room showered and changed my clothes 

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