Chapter 13: Tensions Boil Over

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Chapter 13: Tensions Boil Over

The atmosphere in the T-Jet was suffocatingly tense. Nobody said a word, each lost in their own thoughts about the mission's disastrous outcome. The silence was heavy, oppressive, and the air crackled with unspoken accusations.

Wally, unable to contain his frustration any longer, stood up abruptly. "You guys handled that completely wrong!" he yelled, his voice echoing in the confined space of the T-Jet.

"What are you talking about?" Conner shot back, his anger flaring. "We did the best we could under the circumstances!"

"The best you could? Are you serious?" Wally's voice dripped with sarcasm. "Your best wasn't good enough, and now those astronauts are dead because of it!"

"Watch your mouth, Wally," Kaldur warned, stepping forward. "This isn't helping anyone."

"It's not just about this mission!" Wally shouted, his face flushed with anger. "It's about everything! All the crap you guys put me through!"

"You need to get over it!" Artemis snapped, her own temper rising. "We all made mistakes, but we're supposed to be a team!"

Wally's eyes blazed. "Get over it? You think it's that easy? You think I can just forget all the times you hurt me, betrayed me?, You stupid ass-bitch"

The argument erupted into a cacophony of shouting voices, accusations flying back and forth. The tension that had been simmering for so long finally boiled over, and it wasn't long before words turned into actions.

Fists flew, powers were unleashed, and the interior of the T-Jet became a battleground. Nightwing, his face a mask of fury, exchanged blows with Superboy. Cyborg and Bumblebee grappled with each other, their mechanical limbs clashing with loud clangs. Raven and Zatanna's magic crackled through the air, creating bursts of energy that illuminated the chaotic scene.

Green Arrow and Black Canary tried to intervene, but their efforts were in vain. The melee continued, the fury and frustration of both teams manifesting in physical combat. The T-Jet rocked slightly from the force of the brawling heroes, and it seemed as though nothing could stop them.

Eventually, the combatants exhausted themselves, their bruised and battered forms slumping back into their seats. The interior of the T-Jet was a mess, and the members of both teams were left glaring at each other, their animosity far from resolved.

As they landed at Titans Tower, the silence was heavy with unresolved tension. They walked inside, each member covered in bruises from the fight, their anger still simmering beneath the surface.

No words were exchanged as they trudged to their respective quarters, the rift between the Titans and the team seeming wider than ever. The future of their alliance looked bleak, and it was clear that it would take much more than a simple apology to heal the wounds that had been inflicted.

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