Chapter 21: Escape from the Island

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Chapter 21: Escape from the Island

The Titans and the Team arrived at the drop point, a remote island off the coast of Metropolis. The atmosphere was tense as they split into groups, each assigned a different part of the island to investigate. Nightwing led the Titans, while Kaldur headed the Team, with Aquaman overseeing the entire operation.

Nightwing's team advanced cautiously, scanning the surroundings for any signs of Black Manta's presence. The dense foliage and rocky terrain provided ample cover, but it also made spotting potential threats more challenging.

Meanwhile, Kaldur's group moved through the underbrush, their senses on high alert. "Keep your eyes open," he whispered to Rocket and Zatanna, who nodded in response.

As Nightwing's group approached the base, his eyes widened as he spotted something unusual. "Hold up," he said, motioning for the others to stop. He crouched down and examined the area closely. Hidden among the rocks and foliage, he found a series of tripwires and concealed devices. "This place is rigged to blow."

He activated his communicator. "Everyone, fall back. This entire base is a bomb."

The message sent a jolt through the teams. They moved swiftly, but the alert had already been raised. Black Manta's troopers appeared, engaging both teams in a fierce firefight. Energy blasts and projectiles flew through the air as the heroes fought their way back to the extraction point.

Aquaman led the rear, using his trident to fend off attackers and provide cover. "We need to move faster!" he shouted, pushing back a group of Manta's men.

Wally, using his speed to create a protective barrier of wind, urged everyone forward. "Come on, we're almost there!"

The Titans and the Team finally reached the T-Jet, piling in as fast as they could. The tension was palpable as Cyborg fired up the engines. "Hold on tight, everyone. We're getting out of here at Mach 10."

As the T-Jet roared to life and lifted off, Nightwing glanced back at the base. The countdown on the bomb had reached zero. A massive explosion erupted, sending a shockwave through the air and lighting up the sky.

The T-Jet sped away, its engines pushed to the limit. The force of the explosion shook the jet, but Cyborg's expert piloting kept them steady. The island disappeared from view as they soared into the sky, the base's destruction a testament to their narrow escape.

Inside the jet, the teams were silent, processing the narrow escape and the massive explosion. The tension from earlier arguments lingered, but the immediate relief of having escaped with their lives was the dominant feeling.

Aquaman turned to face them, his expression stern. "Good work, everyone. But let this be a reminder that we need to function as a team. Our lives depend on it."

Nightwing nodded, his gaze meeting Wally's. "We made it out this time. Let's make sure we're ready for whatever comes next."

The T-Jet continued its flight back to Titans Tower, the heroes onboard feeling a mixture of relief, exhaustion, and the lingering tension of their strained alliances. The mission had been a success, but the real challenge lay in finding a way to work together in the face of their deep-seated conflicts.

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