Chapter 23: Tears and Comfort

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Chapter 23: Tears and Comfort

The hallway felt like it was closing in around Artemis, Zatanna, Bumblebee, and Rocket. Each of them stood in shock, the sting of Wally's slaps fresh on their faces and in their hearts. The intensity of Wally's anger had left them breathless and shaken.

As they began to cry, their tears mingled with the palpable tension in the air. The emotions they had kept bottled up for years now flowed freely, the pain of their past actions weighing heavily on them.

M'gann turned the corner and immediately sensed the distress. She hurried over, wrapping her arms around Artemis and Zatanna, drawing them into a comforting embrace. "It's okay," she whispered soothingly, her voice a balm to their wounded spirits. "Let it out."

Bumblebee and Rocket joined the hug, leaning into M'gann's comforting presence. "Why is he still so angry?" Artemis choked out, tears streaming down her face. "We've tried to make amends, but it's never enough."

M'gann gently wiped away Artemis's tears. "Wally has been through a lot. The wounds are deep, and it's going to take time. He needs to process everything in his own way, at his own pace."

Zatanna sniffled, her voice shaky. "We hurt him so much. I don't know if he'll ever forgive us."

M'gann nodded, her expression somber but understanding. "Forgiveness is a journey, and it can be a long one. What's important is that you keep trying, that you show him through your actions that you truly regret what happened."

Rocket sighed, wiping her eyes. "But what if he never forgives us?"

M'gann gave them a reassuring smile. "Then you accept that and respect his boundaries. You can't force someone to forgive you, but you can show them that you've changed, that you're there for them in whatever capacity they allow."

The girls nodded, absorbing M'gann's words. They knew it wouldn't be easy, but they were determined to keep trying, to give Wally the space and time he needed.

Later, as the sun dipped below the horizon, the Titans and the Team gathered in the common room. The atmosphere was tense, but there was a flicker of hope. They sat together, silently acknowledging the road ahead, knowing that the path to healing was fraught with challenges. Yet, with each other's support, they were willing to face it head-on, one step at a time.

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