Chapter 16: The Arrival

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Chapter 16: The Arrival

One month had passed, and the tension between the Titans and the Team remained palpable. Angry glares were exchanged frequently, the air thick with unresolved conflict. Wally was out on a mission, his mind never fully at ease with Linda so close to giving birth.

At Titans Tower, the uneasy silence was suddenly broken by a frantic voice. Linda Park, visibly struggling and clutching her belly, stumbled into the room.

"Dick... Where's Wally.... It's here..." she managed to gasp, her face contorted in pain.

The Team members exchanged confused looks, not understanding what was happening. Cyborg, picking up on the urgency, asked, "Who? Savage?"

Linda, her voice now raised in desperation, yelled, "The babies!!!"

In an instant, the Titans' eyes widened, realizing the gravity of the situation. The animosity between the groups was momentarily forgotten as they sprang into action.

Meanwhile, at the hospital, the sterile, brightly lit room was a stark contrast to the chaos of Titans Tower. Wally paced the floor nervously, waiting for news. When the doctor finally emerged, Wally's heart raced.

"Congratulations, Mr. West. You have twins – a boy and a girl," the doctor announced with a warm smile.

Wally's face lit up with pure joy. He was ushered into the room where Linda lay, cradling their newborns. Tears of happiness filled his eyes as he approached his family.

"Meet Jai and Irey," Linda said softly, looking up at Wally with love.

Wally gently took Jai in his arms, his heart swelling with pride and emotion. He leaned down to kiss Linda's forehead. "You did amazing, Linda. I love you so much."

The Titans, who had arrived at the hospital, gathered around the room's window, peering in to catch a glimpse of the new additions to their family. Dick, Donna, Kori, Kyle, Victor, Garfield, Raven, Roy, M'gann, Jessica, Kara, Jason, Tim, King Shark, Arsenal, Jamie, Virgil, and Bart all smiled, their earlier animosity momentarily forgotten.

"They're beautiful," Donna said, her eyes misting up.

"We've got a new generation of heroes," Garfield joked, earning chuckles from the group.

Wally stepped out of the room briefly to greet his friends. "Thank you all for being here," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "It means the world to us."

The Titans congratulated Wally and Linda, each taking turns to offer their well-wishes. Even the Team, despite the lingering tension, couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and relief. For a brief moment, the birth of Jai and Irey brought a sense of unity and hope, reminding everyone of what truly mattered.

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