Sealed With a Kiss

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Leo entered his penthouse into the softly illuminated living room, a haven of luxury perfect for a bachelor. Certain walls showcased calligraphy and abstract art, while others were pristine white, complementing the designer leather recliners, and dining furniture. The living room was a palette of white, grey, and black, precisely to Leo's taste.

He tossed his keys onto the dining table carelessly, draping his jacket over the sofa. Circling the sofa, Leo dropped down with a heavy sigh and knelt to loosen his shoelaces. The dinner at his parents had uncovered intriguing details about his grandfather's past and upcoming plans. Xing's Haven Retreat belonged to the Zhāngs. It had been a long day; his bare foot touched the cold surface of the coffee table as he rested his long legs. Sighing, Leo positioned the back of his head on the sofa and closed his eyes to recap the events of the day. A few seconds slipped away.

Eyes widening, he jerked his head up. The Wager!

Three days have passed, and he had heard no word from his part-time personal assistant number two, Yang Peng Xi. Pulling his feet down, Leo grabbed his mobile from his jeans pocket and swiped the screen of his smartphone. One foot slightly drummed the soft-carpeted floor as he waited for Peng Xi to answer the phone.

"Good evening, Mr. Zhang. How can I help you?" came a loud reply as if the man was on attention in a military parade.

"How long does it take to find a girl?" Leo barked without a greeting. The loud music on the other side irritated him further.

"I'm working on it, Sir." He paused; a slight rustle followed by a cut in the blasting music. Peng Xi cleared his throat and added, "I just need more time."

"Time is what I can't spare," said Leo pursing his lips.

"It would be easier if you can meet the girls and make a choice," suggested Peng Xi in a low tone.

"How many do I have to meet?" inquired Leo massaging his forehead with two fingers.

"Two," croaked Peng Xi.

"You mean to say you could find only two girls to date the Leo Zhang," Leo laughed harshly, revealing a row of super shiny white teeth. The need for dating a simple girl overrode his temptation to fire Peng Xi right now. "Have they agreed to my terms and conditions?"

"I didn't get a chance to discuss it. However, I can arrange for a meeting tomorrow. I understand one of the two needs financial help, and chances are she'll agree. She can be your date for tomorrow's party if all goes as planned," suggested Peng Xi.

As Leo was about to reply, he saw a message from an unknown number pop up on his screen, which read: We'll love to go to the party. Thanks, Min. If Min was going to the party, then he'll have to escort her, and maybe he could ask Zihao to accompany Meng Yao. This meant his fake date would have to wait. "Leave it for me to decide. Arrange for a meeting two days after tomorrow at midday in a restaurant. Make sure it is not one of my usual ones. Think of a place where Leo Zhang will never go," Leo cautioned.

"Roger that, Sir. Will SMS the time and address soon."

Tossing the mobile on the sofa, Leo walked towards the kitchen to grab water. A large vase of red roses greeted him. Smirking, Leo went closer to run his fingers gently over the soft petals. The flowers must be from the latest brunette he took the night before. He located the card from the sender, and it read: Call me for another night of fun. Love Erya. Followed by a mobile number. Erya? Damn, he hadn't even bothered to ask for her name. How could he when the only conversation they had was about dirty wild sex! Just when he was contemplating to call Erya, he remembered the 'no sex with any other women' clause in the wager. He wondered what measures Zihao and Yichen had taken to keep track of his activities. He made a mental note to get another phone. Most important of all what was Jian Yu up to? Fuck the damn wager. 

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