To Befriend A Crow You Despise

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Chapter 2: Meeting Phil And Missa

Chayanne had been woken up from his sleep by someone, otherwise known as a federation worker, moving him about abruptly, which had participated in disturbing Chayanne a humongous amount.

and, Chayanne, who was practically refusing to be manhandled like this, began thrashing about violently in the federation worker's arms, his dragon tail wagging up and down, showing clear signs of frustration, and possibly, even resentment towards the federation worker, whereas his dragon wings flapped about as violent as Chayanne's thrashing, smacking the federation worker in the face a few times, but had ultimately decided on smacking the federation worker in the chest approximately 10 times due to his dragon wings movement speed, and also because of how small his wings were.

"please stop thrashing about."

they pleaded, begging Chayanne to stop with his clearly pointless struggle, as he couldn't possibly undo himself from the federation worker's grasp, as they were much more stronger than Chayanne was, and because they knew he'd give into the pleading eventually, once he'd realised that he couldn't possibly undo himself from said federation worker's grasp, of course.

eventually, Chayanne gave up on his violent thrashing about, as he finally came to the realisation that he couldn't possibly undo himself from their grasp, and, instead, decided to slump himself against the federation worker's chest, tears of a not yet known emotion swelling up within his eyes sickeningly fast, which, as an side-effect, made his eyesight blurry.

Chayanne didn't understand anything at all.

all at once, his mother had abandoned him and his siblings, leaving Chayanne to fend for him and his siblings, who were stomach wretchingly young, he and his siblings had been found by someone called Cucurucho, who'd then proceeded to bring them to a mysterious place called the federation, started testing them on their skills, and probably more than just their skills, and now they were being moved to what seemed to be a museum display of sorts, according to Chayanne's miniscule brain.

he'd been somewhat forcefully dissected from his thoughts when he'd been placed into a sitting position within the museum display, as Chayanne called it, and he'd looked up at the federation worker with confusion glossing his eyes over.


"let me ask you something."

Cucurucho asked as he abruptly made his way towards display...that Chayanne had been placed in.

"what if I offer you something that could change your life, forever?"

Chayanne felt bewildered, but he was willing to take the risk, even if it meant that he'd get modifications to his body or something like that.

"...por favor."


"hello mi carino!"

a soft voice called out to Chayanne, who, after what Cucurucho had did to him, which had resulted in Chayanne losing his trust that he'd felt towards said person, was left feeling paranoid and traumatised, he'd slowly began turning his head towards the voice, his dull blue eyes brightening in the slightest bit possible upon seeing who it was.

"my name is Missa, and this handsome man who is stood besides me is Phil!"

Missa said, his mouth moving slowly as to make sure Chayanne could understand what he was saying, all the while a gentle smile was drawn onto his face in an attempt to make Chayanne feel less paranoid and traumatised, and more comforted, if anything.

"now, I'm going to ask you this one simple question, alright mi querido?"

Missa asked, wanting proper consent from Chayanne, because, considering that Chayanne was just a child, who probably knew everything that a child around his age could, he might've been injured or something before he and the other candidates arrived on this island, and, just remember, there was a possibility that he could be feeling uncomfortable by just being told that he was now his and Phil's son, and that he didn't have a say nor choice in any of this.

Chayanne, who, after a minute or two of being preoccupied with his almost overflowing thoughts, nodded hesitantly, and Missa smiled, his features adorned with glee upon knowing that he'd finally gotten proper consent from Chayanne.

"would you like to be our son, permanently?"

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