Was It All Just A Dream...?

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Phil awoke with a start, sweat adorning his body in many different places.

he was still quite shaken up from that lovely dream that had abruptly turned into a horrendous nightmare within seconds, and heaven knows when he's going to be able to get back to sleep.

he'd flinched automatically - and somewhat because of his instincts - when he'd felt something, or, someone, holding him down, pinning him down so he couldn't move.

he squirmed around, trying his best to get whatever was lying on him off, but failed.

he was too physically and mentally drained, and so he sat up and let his body lay there, limp, the only thing that was genuinely helping him stay upright being the bedframe.

he lifted one of his hands up unconsciously and ran it through Missa's hair, trying to soothe his nerves after that horrendous nightmare he'd witnessed, and damn, that worked.

really well, actually.

but, his husband, Missa, who had only just woken up, and had to endure the feeling of someone's hand running through his hair, grumbled in confused annoyance, before he began sitting up.

in the process of doing so, he watched as Phil frowned in protest, opening his eyes and pouting at Missa miserably.

at this, Missa felt slightly un-nerved, since Phil never did anything like this before.


Missa asked, feeling a little perplexed, because in his eyes, Phil looked severely out of it, and it concerned him.

very much, in fact, that Missa almost went out of his way to bring Phil to the closest hospital possible.

but, against his better judgement, he decided not to, since there was a possibility that it could upset Phil.

and so, Missa sighed.

"today is going to be a nightmare of a day..."


"Missa, please?"

Phil asked in a polite tone of voice, trying his best to persuade Missa to allow him to hold his two children, said two children being Chayanne and Tallulah.

and currently, both of them were in Missa's arms, with Chayanne leaning into Missa's icy touch due to the harsh weather conditions, and Tallulah playing her now personalised flute like how she normally would on a normal day.

"no, Phil."

Missa repeated, having already went through this process about 5 times already, and honestly?

he was getting sick of it.

"your out of it, Phil, so not today, no."

Missa reasoned when Phil had asked him why, and Phil, only now realising how much of that statement made sense, hesitantly agreed with a frown embellished onto his face.

"where are we gonna go, papa?"

Chayanne asked, a tiny but noticeable smile on his face as he watched Missa intently.


Missa thought, thinking of all the places he'd planned on going to, and eventually, he decided on Tallulah's garden.

"how about Tallulah's garden?"

Missa suggested, since he had no use for these random seeds that he'd found in his pocket a day ago, and he's thought that maybe, just maybe, she would want some new plants in her garden.

Tallulah, in response, nodded intensely, feeling giddy inside.

"alright! off to Tallulah's garden we go!"


Phil was currently sound asleep, holding Missa close to him, who, had somehow, managed to end up seated on Phil's lap.

as of right now, Missa was squirming, trying his best to get out of Phil's tight grip.

but everytime he'd did just that, Phil would always place a kiss on his face to refrain him from doing so.

when he had first been stripped from his freedom, Missa had almost sobbed, but had composed himself just in time.

he'd just wanted to fall asleep in his bed the second that he'd gotten home, but he couldn't, not anymore, at least, due to Phil's strong grip from around his waist.


when Missa had woken up, he was lying in bed with Phil, and they were both cuddling.

feeling the slightest bit of glee in seeing Phil so calm, he cuddled Phil a bit more than he normally would.

he smiled, before placing a kiss on Phil's forehead.

"I hope that you are having good dreams, Phil."

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