The Angel Of Death's Cult

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Chapter 4: What Is Right And What Is Wrong

the angel of death was watching him from the very top of the stairs, and just by doing such a simple action, he had sent immediate shivers down Missa's spine.

Missa watched, his face devoid of any emotion, but his eyes gave away all the emotions he currently felt; his eyes showed crystal clear signs of fear, and also, panic, but most of all, horror, and that feeling of horror had only spiked increasingly higher when the angel of death slowly began inching his way towards Missa - and Chayanne too, if you think about it.

Missa began panicking, and he oh so desperately wanted to scream, to beg someone for help so he could escape this hell hole of a cult, but he couldn't find it in him to do such a thing, as, suddenly, his throat began tightening up, and had decided to refused to take any orders that Missa asked his throat to do.

it continued to deny Missa accessibility to breathing through his mouth, before Missa finally, decided to give up, his body going limp-ish against the wall he leaned against in defeat.

he took a quick glance upwards, once he was sure that the position he was in was comfortable, and had only then realised that the angel of death was now standing directly in front of him, his dagger-like eyes, that could possibly kill someone, looking down at him, as if feeling ashamed of him.

and, in an act of pure fear, tried his best to tuck into himself, throwing his head downwards in the process, his black eyes with a slight hint of amethyst looking at Chayanne's sleeping figure, and all the while he was trying his best to ignore his burning cheeks.

he didn't know whether his cheeks were burning because of embarrassment, or because of something else - not that he knows anyways - but he felt immensely ashamed, for probably no reason at all.


the angel of death called out to him, and Missa, who knew that his name was yet to be called out again, felt shivers go down his spine in the presence of the angel of death once more.


Missa responded, his voice shaky as to represent that he was, indeed, fearing for his life, and possibly, even more than just that.

"do you know what is right and what is wrong?"

the angel of death asked, his voice slowly beginning to crumble under it's hard surface, though Missa didn't quite notice that, as his head was still trying it's best to wrap itself around the question that the angel of death just asked him.

and after a few minutes of pure silence, Missa's head finally wrapped itself around the question that lingered in the air, which was yet to be answered by Missa, and, feeling utterly confused, decided to take a much different approach than the angel of death would if he got asked the same question.

"what did you just ask?"

Missa uttered, feeling both bewildered and stumped by hearing such a question leaving the angel of death's mouth, and, having been caught off guard, the angel of death fixed up his problem with his voice crumbling under it's hard surface, turning face to face with Missa once he'd fixed said problem.

he stared at the angel of death in confusion, and in response, the angel of death just sighed, shaking his head in something which seemed to be disappointment.

"I'll say it again; do you know what is right and what is wrong?"

Missa eyed the angel of death with something that could only be called suspicion, which was hiding in his black but with a tiny hint of amethyst eyes, before nodding as he still couldn't quite make sense as of what in the bloody fuck was happening.

"alright, now, Missa, if it's okay with you, can you give me an example of both what is right and what is wrong?"


did Missa hear whatever the angel of death had just said correctly?

"uhm, an example for what would be right would be that if someone were to die, you would go and help them, as it is a dire situation, and an example for what would be wrong would be if you'd stole something for someone, and refused to give the said something back to them."

Missa said, all the while unconsciously holding in his breath, letting it out when he'd realised that he was, clearly, about to suffocate himself.

"correct, Missa."

the angel of death uttered, and after a short period of time, which had included Missa drowning himself within the quietness of the room that he had been resting in for the past few days, Missa was quite certain that he'd felt nothing but pure relief in knowing that everything that he'd just said was correct, and upon hearing that, he had let out a sigh of...who the fuck knows.

"that's good to know."

Missa said, a small but noticeable smile making it's way onto Missa's face upon knowing his accomplishment.


"where are we."

Missa asked the angel of death, clearly noticeable panic etched onto his face as he stood still, and he'd stood so, so still, that Missa could've pulled off as being a statue, if it wasn't for his eyes, that were probably acknowledging the room that he was abruptly placed in, sweating in fear because of the fact that he was facing a humongous crowd of people, people that probably didn't even know who in the bloody hell Missa was.

"now, now, Missa...I've got a task for you."

the angel of death said, a mischievous smile adorning his face as he slowly but surely began pulling out a knife of sorts.

"and what's that...?"

Missa asked, feeling dread build up within him when he'd come to the realisation of what the angel of death was probably implying behind that sentence of his.

"I want you, to kill everyone...that is gathered here today."

and at that, Missa felt his heart sink incredibly fast.

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