The Angel Of Death's Cult

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Chapter 1: Meeting The Angel Of Death

Missa was always an anxious mess of a person.

he'd always been scared by the slightest of things, and whenever someone even tries to talk to him, he'd flinch as if on instinct, and flee before you'd even got the chance to apologize.

but as of right now, that was the least of Missa's problems, as he, was currently, you guessed it, lost.

he didn't know where he was, and he also didn't remember when he'd wandered off track.

the only thing he did remember, though, was him accidentally running into his highschool bullies, who, upon noticing him, began beating him up and calling him slurs in front of everyone.

so yes, right now, he's severely injured, confused as to where the fuck he's at, and scared as to what could be out there.

a sudden gust of wind dislocates him from his thoughts, and he looks up, only to see icy blue eyes staring him down with a piercing gaze, sending immediate shivers down Missa's spine.

he gets up, feeling alarmed, and turns on his heels, running as fast as he could away from those piercing blue eyes.

and as he was running, he told himself that, he most definitely knew the owner of those eyes.

the angel of death.

but why was the angel of death here, right in front of Missa's doorstep?

he debated with himself back and forth for quite a long while, and finally stopped when he'd reached an ocean.

he was going to quickly craft a boat for himself using a magical table, created from some sort of enchanted wood, and flee this place, but then, he'd remembered that he'd forgotten his son; Chayanne, at home, all alone, and probably hungry or something like that.


he mumbled.

he'd turned around within an instant, ignoring those piercing eyes that followed his every move, before speeding back in the direction he'd just ran from.

"mi hijo! mi hijo!"

Missa called out, anxiety pooling up in his stomach as he whipped his head around to figure out which house was his.

he'd stood there, a worried mess, for approximately 10 total minutes, thinking something happened to Chayanne, before he'd come face to face with blue eyes, and in the background, he could hear a baby crying.

it was Chayanne, and when he'd sensed Missa's tranquil aura, he stopped crying, before flailing his arms around to gain Missa's attention, which he'd already grasped from the second he arrived.

Missa smiled, picking Chayanne up and holding him close to his chest, feeling relieved at seeing his 5 months old son again.

but then, he'd remembered that the angel of death was still there, watching him, and he snapped his head up to look at him, eyes narrowing as he watched him with fear.

"what do you want."

he managed to say, voice trembling slightly as he stared at the angel of death.

the angel of death, just studied him for a moment, before he began to laugh at Missa's attitude towards him.

it only served to creep Missa out even more, and he hugged Chayanne closer to him than he had previously.

"I think you are forgetting something, Missa."

the angel of death said, causing Missa's emotions to splurge all over the place as he'd, never once, heard the angel of death say anything before, and not even when he'd gotten dreams of him several times, had he spoken up once.

in those dreams, the angel of death had always preferred to write to him as his way of communicating, so Missa had thought what any rational person would've thought in that moment, it being that the angel of death was mute.

the angel of death smiled devilishly, before he continued whatever he was saying.

"correct me if I am wrong, but you are the goddess of death's sole reaper, are you not?"

Missa frowned, a feeling of uneasiness blossoming in his chest, but he ignored it, quite literally focused on how the angel of death had such a good idea as to what his job actually was.

"and, what is it that you want from me, exactly?"

Missa asked, completely avoiding the question the angel of death had asked previously, the feeling of unease steadily building up from inside of him, before it began to gnaw at him.

finding the situation a slight bit funny, the angel of death laughed once more.

he only began to calm down when he'd seen the disturbed look on Missa's face, before he'd offered his blood stained hand out towards Missa.

"I want you, Missa, to join my cult."

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