205. A...a bridesman?

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"Alright, Buck, if you didn't bring us here to ask us to b...oof!" Sam's statement cuts off with a grunt as Steve elbows him in the ribs.

"Sam, can you at least wait until we've ordered drinks?" my oldest friend shakes his head. "I mean, you're not even completely seated yet!"

"Good afternoon, gentlemen," a waitress appears just as Sam gets settled. "Welcome to Our Place. Have you been here before?"

"We have," Steve nods.

"Well then, welcome back! My name is Ashley, and I'll be taking care of you today. Can I start you off with something to drink?"

"Do y'all have sweet tea?" Sam asks.

"We have tea, and sweetener I could bring you."

"No, thanks. I'll take a Coke, please."

"And for you two?"

"Water for me, please," I say; Steve asks for the same.

"Alright. And I know you just sat down, but could I get you any appetizers?"

"Yes ma'am, you can," Sam drawls. "The elote corn dip, please."

"Sure thing. I'll get that rung in, and get your drinks right out."

The three of us look over the menu, and are ready to order when Ashley returns. Sam opts for a BLT with a fried egg, Steve gets a burger, and I get a steak sandwich. Once Ashley's taken our menus and gone to ring in our food, Sam starts up again.

"Alright, we've ordered, so—"

I hold up my hand. "Please, Sam, take a breath," I chuckle. He does, inhaling deeply, and I continue. "Thank you."

I clear my throat. "Réa and I set a date...May thirty-first. She's actually at lunch with Nat and Wanda, asking them to be her Maids of Honor, because she 'can't choose between them'...and I agree with that sentiment." I look at Steve. "We've been best friends since nineteen-thirty, and have been through more than our share of scrapes." I move my gaze to Sam. "And you...well, we started off as a couple of guys with a reluctant truce, and I'm glad that's changed. I'm happy to also call you my best friend." I clear my throat again. "Like I said, I agree with Réa's sentiment, so I'd like to ask you both to be my Best Men."

"Absolutely, Buck," Steve replies.

"Of course I'm going to agree!" Sam exclaims. He pauses, a mischievous look forming on his face. "If you hadn't asked, I was going to convince Réa to let me be a bridesman."

"A...a bridesman?" I ask as Steve covers a laugh with a cough.

"Yeah! Like a bridesmaid, but, y'know, a man." He hesitates. "Or a groomsman, but on the bride's side. Same difference."

"I...that's..." I shake my head, a grin forming on my face. "I'd expect nothing less from you, Sam."

"Here you go," Ashley reappears with our meals, placing our plates in front of us. "Is there anything else you three need?"

"We're good, thanks," Steve replies.

"Alright then. Enjoy!"

We dig in, lapsing into silence as we eat. We decline dessert, settling the bill and heading back to the compound. I invite the guys up to my room; however, as we make our way down the hall, I hear Nat and Wanda's voices in Réa's room.

'I wonder if they'd mind us joining them,' I think, and knock on Réa's door.

"Come in!" she calls, and I open the door.

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